Hi, my kitten really humms, its not like a normal cat smell, its cats pooey bum smell lol - Where she came from had lots of cats of all different ages, but I would assume that in itself would not mean she would be smelly, Ive had multiple dog fosters here in the past and never were any wiffy at all, so numbers shouldnt equal uncleanliness. I was hoping the smell would improve as she naturally groomed herself and being in a 'different' environment. Im feeding her kitten food, I know she was being fed something else before, I dunno maybe she is detoxing? or can the high protein in kitten food cause body smells? She is ultra clean with toileting in her tray , I dont see her grooming much really. is there anything I can do to help? The kids love cuddling her, but do notice the smell, you sort of cant not notice it, my eldest said last night 'ewwwwwwwwwwwww bum smell!' lol - any help and advice is most welcome