My first cat ^Nicadeamus^ was named after the cat in Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves, known as Nikki for short.
Molly was the next one, named by OH so not very original.
KayCee was found be a man called by Mr Curry so I was going to call her Korma, but no one was keen on this so she became KC, (Korma Curry)
^Red^ - everyone things he was called Red because he was a ginger tom but he was actually called Red because when he was brought into the Vets as a stray he was ridden with fleas and his back was red raw.
Baz is named after Barry Sheene, as Barry Sheene had recently died and I was a great fan. It became a bit prophetic as Baz had a bad kneecap and ended up with as much metal in his leg as Barry Sheene.
Elvis is Elvis the Pelvis because he was born was his back legs facing the wrong way. The vets said to put him to sleep but me and one of the Veterinary Nurses hand reared him together and with physio his legs came right and he is now able to do all the normal things though he does not climb that much.
Forest Gump Hillbilly Munchkin was named by everybody, lol. He has deformed front legs like one of thoseamerican Munchkin cats. When we used to let him have a roam aroung in the Cat ward he would try and run and hence "Run, Forest, run" and one of the Nurses thought he looked like a Hillbilly when he arrived as he was so scruffy and dirty.
George is named after ^Georgie^ the mascot of Eight Lives Left Kitten Rescue. She was tabby and so is he, and she had to be put to sleep at the tender age of 8 weeks due to horrendous eye trauma and he came to me with cowpox and an extremely bad eye, so he was named after her and Eight Lives Left Kitten Rescue was born.
DD - named after Diddy Dawn who rescued her.
Aerial - DD's sister, rescued from the scrapyard, so named after the only female car part I could think of!
Gin and Tonic - two black beauties who you cannot tell apart to look at, but who are completely different, like their namesakes.
Smudge - a bit unoriginal but he has a smudge on his nose.
Felix - just because he is the spitting image of the Felix cat and I've always wanted a black and white Felix, having about six black and whites who don't look anything like a Felix cat. As it turns out his personality is just like the Felix cat as well, lol.
Smartie - she was the first to leqarn everything from her litter when I was handrearing her and she became known as a Smartie pants, and it stuck.
Oilivia - a stray Colourpoint persian who needed a posh name, and I thought Olivia was quite posh.
Jenny - who I wanted to call Priscilla, as she was Elvis's girlfriend when they were growing up, but OH did not like that so she became Jenny, the girlfriend of Forest Gump.
Jerry Maquire and Dorothy - because the day I got the call to rescue them I was watching that film.
Lucy - I really don't know why, lol - but she looks like a Lucy.
Weeble - because when she first came to us she had some episodes when she yawned or shook she would almost fall over - "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down"
Shyla - she was called Blackie when she arrived but she was quite shy and I was watching Animal Planet and there was a shy Beagle on there they called Shyla, and I liked it so she became Shyla. Now she has come out of her shell she is not shy at all but the name stuck and she comes running when you call her which she never did when you called Blackie.
Stella was already called Stella when she arrived (after Stella Artois apparently) but it suits her and it stuck.
I now have a book to help me name the kittens when they come as I can sometimes run out of ideas.