What a time we've had this evening! The boys have been hurtling around the flat like a pair of kittens and Mosi has had the time of his life
The sun is shining and making his fur glow as though he's painted gold. He's been racing around with his tail flying out behind him and I almost feel guilty that he never had another kitten to play with when he was little. Jaffa did play with him when he was a baby (mostly sitting on him to make sure he knew his place!) and they enjoyed a friendly game of swipey paws right up until Jaffa was poorly, plus of course I played da bird, flying frenzy etc with him, but he's never had another cat to play with like this and he's having so much fun. Plus of course he's entertaining Kito for me so that I don't have to work as hard at keeping him occupied as I did with his Mosiness. We may well have a bit of growling before the evening's finished but watching them play this past hour has really made me smile and I'm so pleased it's worked out and they get on.
Mosi is officially my hero
and I think he deserves a special treat for being such a fantastic big brother! You'd never think he was 10 if you saw him racing around!.