My precious boys are off on their jollies at the weekend - to the cattery
It's been a while so I have to just keep telling myself they will be fine and I will eventually, with time and a fair amount of alcohol, get over the hour long car journey with 2 cats voicing their discontent in the car.
I am preparing a single paged document for each of them outlining their likes and dislikes, food requirements etc. Now obviously I've given the basics to the cattery over the phone - what they eat, name of vet etc. but I thought it would be a good idea to put together something that is easy for staff to consult - maybe put up in their room so that they can go in there and see at a glance who is who and what they like etc.
So far I have basic info at top - name, nickname, age, colour (so that they know who is who) then I have 3 boxes - first is likes and dislikes such as liking tummy rubs, cardboard boxes etc., then I've put a health section which includes dates of latest worm and flea treatment, any health issues (such as Mosi's tail as I want them to be aware need to be a bit careful with his tail) then a final box re food. I've included litter in that box too as didn't seem to warrant a whole section but I wanted to put down what type of litter they are used to
Can anyone think of anything else I should include?