Yep, more education is definitly needed.
Re the sores / bleeding gums - it would be quite hard to get infected that way. Saliva contains enzymes that break down the HIV virus, as does stomach acid. From what I can remember there's only been one case of HIV transmission via saliva and that was becuase BOTH partners had very bad bleeding gums. As said before tho, if you had badly bleeding gums you wouldnt really be kissing people, would you?!
You can be infected via your mouth if you have cuts in your mouth, but only if something comes into contact with you that carries a large concentration of the HIV virus. So kissing a HIV+ person and having their saliva come into contact with a mouth cut will not transmit the virus, but giving oral sex or having someones blood come into contact with the cut could transmit the virus.
I wish the government would educate schoolkids more about AIDS. For a start, it would probably encourage them to have safe sex, and secondly, it would get rid of all the ridiculous rumours and get facts out - leading to less stigma for HIV+ people, who have an awful enough time as it is.