So as 2014 draws to a close we have managed another year with tears, laughter, sadness and happiness all in all a large Maelstrom of emotions have had our hearts broken and then somehow another waif or stray comes along and there is laughter through the tears
We have lost Pagan, Magic, Phoenix, Billiejo, Miss Millie diabetic and our brain damaged feral McKenzie
We have gained Watson, Sherlock, Miss Moriarty, Hudson, Onyx and our 2 extra Bengal girls Larrson and Bambam and of course darling Cody on the outside
We have managed all birthdays and wedding anniversary this year and had a lovely Christmas and will spend new year apart again in different timezones and countries but more good times to look forward to
On the whole the Clan have lost teeth and an eye but remain happy and healthy. My ones on borrowed time Clio and Max Hyper T’s continue to take the tablets and surprise the vets with weight gains and healthy constitutions, Miss Kali kitten continues on her tablets and has gained over 2kgs and is a happy little girl and darling Chunkchop with his cocktails of injections and our vets care continues to maintain his weight and may dribble a bit but is a happy boy.
The dogs continue to be a joy and are the best exercise except when it’s raining
So we close the year happy and healthy with no cat health issues, dogs happy and thinner as is their Mum
So we take the opportunity as 2014 draws to close to say Happy New Year and best wishes for 2015 when and wherever you are and look forward to whatever 2015 brings to all of us at the Clan homestead and their Daddy in Baku x