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Help! Advice needed asap please
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Topic: Help! Advice needed asap please (Read 3645 times)
Rosella moggy
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Re: Help! Advice needed asap please
Reply #6 on:
July 19, 2014, 12:27:01 PM »
Am wondering if it's partly poo and partly hairball? Our Groucho had one once. Not a pretty sight
Think that's what plugged up Boris last year too and stopped him eating for almost a week. Poor lad, he was very down and we had him at vets being doused with all the unblocking stuff. Thankfully he produced something that looked like furry poo the day before he was going to be knocked out for a full enema.
Hoping your boy is now back to normal
Adult Cat
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Re: Help! Advice needed asap please
Reply #5 on:
July 19, 2014, 10:41:33 AM »
Thanks for you advice guys :D
We've had a movement in his tray last night. It looks pretty hard so I think he's a little dehydrated / constipated.
Gave him some fish which he ate a fair amount of. Syringed some water down too. He's very easily distracted by outside so maybe this weather has got to him and he's not drank enough.
Will be keeping a close eye on him and if he's still struggling we'll go the vets x
Sue P (Paddysmum)
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Re: Help! Advice needed asap please
Reply #4 on:
July 19, 2014, 07:09:50 AM »
If he'll let you, you could apply some vaseline and try again. Poor little guy. If that doesnt work, as Gill has suggested, a call to your local vet may yield an alternative suggestion of things to try without necessarily having to take him in.
heather sullivan
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Re: Help! Advice needed asap please
Reply #3 on:
July 18, 2014, 22:13:34 PM »
you could try giving him some cod liver oil, 1/2 teaspoon liquid paraffin or crumble 1/2 senokot into his food, that should help it on its way
Gill (sneakiefeline)
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Re: Help! Advice needed asap please
Reply #2 on:
July 18, 2014, 22:06:47 PM »
If you really cant move it without hurting him. speak to a vet
Adult Cat
Posts: 160
Slave to: Frankenstein
Help! Advice needed asap please
Reply #1 on:
July 18, 2014, 20:40:57 PM »
My cat has been off his food for a couple of days. Put it down to the heat.
He's had a couple of hairballs- big ones about a week ago but thought it was done with as I had been using a hairball paste in his meals.
His bowls are normally like clock work but he didn't go for 24 hours till last night. My bf cleaned it out the tray and said it looked hard.
I've been worried about it so when I heard him digging in his tray I went into the room and told him he was a good boy. He was doing the silly little wiggle he does when passing stools. When he finished there was nothing there.
I've now notice a huge poo stuck half in half out and covered in hair. I tried wetting the area do it might be easier but to no avail.
Any advice?
Not what I want to be doing on a Friday!
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Help! Advice needed asap please