Cleo, I have called you a 'sweet girl' and you could be the most loving and adorable of cats. You could also be a bad tempered little madam, especially with Alfie, who you really thought should go away and let you be the Only Cat. Or when I tried to brush anywhere other than your head and neck and you gave me a good smack. You knew what you wanted and it was our job to provide it. As long as that happened, things were fine
You were such a character, who knows what you had been through in the years before we knew you? We know you had broken your back leg at some stage, but no-one knows how or when. We know about the few years of your life when you lived with my sister-in-law and then, of course, when you came to enrich our lives. And enrich them you did, in your own, special way.
You were with us for just 3 years but it feels as if we were yours for much longer. I'm so glad that your final illness was short, for your sake - although it is breaking my heart that we had to let you go so quickly. I feel that I betrayed your trust, even though I know this isn't really so. I'm glad I was able to put an end to your suffering and help you, gently, on your last journey. It was the last service I could do for you.
Play hard at the bridge little girl. Look out for the norty ginger boy with 3 legs and the rotund tortie girl. Tell them I will love them always, just as I will you.