Firstly, its not a protest. Signs like these are simply her way of telling you that something isn't right. Her stress levels are likely to be elevated still due to the move, so she's still confused and letting you know that she's not yet adapted to her new surroundings.
When she poops outside the box simply pick it up and drop it in her tray so she can see and smell it there. Simple solution is ok for clean up if you like the smell, but I prefer RX66 for poop and vomit clean ups.
Main thing is not to punish her, it is counterproductive and may actually make things worse. If the poop continues to appear outside her tray, try moving the tray somewhere more private, it may be the positioning she's not keen on, if it is in a busy part of the house or close to an external door she may not feel comfortable using it. If this still persists, get her checked out by the vet, as underlying medical issues may become confused with stress.
One of my older boys has begun peeing in front of me on any available surface, and we think it's because he has lost his hearing which makes him uneasy when using the trays, so he prefers to be in my eyeline, even if that means peeing on the settee.