Author Topic: Cats fighting over dominance  (Read 2996 times)

Offline SamMewl

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Re: Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2013, 21:25:43 PM »
Hello MiddleEarthNet  :)

Although cats live in colonies the males only usually have dominance issues with each other when they are fighting over something (usually a particularly fine lady cat!) so they do not have a permanent hierarchy. I think that the problem was you disrupted 'their' room, as that is where all their resources are so they got antsy with each other.

i think as they come to terms with the fact that really nothing has changed they will continue to be relaxed and you should not need the feliway permanently. Although I have got feliway from here (don't know if that's cheaper than you have bought it for) if you want to help make them feel secure.

obviously they paid no attention to your planning permission posters referring to the utility room  ;)
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Offline Dawn F

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Re: Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2013, 10:08:49 AM »
you can try phasing it out but probably good to have one in the cupboard just in case!  you get get in on line much cheaper than the vets there is an alternative product called pet remedy which is use that is a fair bit cheaper too, I got mine from amazon

Offline MiddleEarthNet

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Re: Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2013, 17:13:34 PM »
By today, things have noticably improved.  Both cats seem happy and relaxed.  Alfie is happy to be in even if Frankie is in first.  And both of them are bahaving more like they used to do.  The only thing missing is they aren't sleeping togther like they used to but fair enough, they are adult cats afterall.  I still don't think they settled on a dominant cat so I'm guessing the feliway has made the difference.  So thank you very much for the suggestion. I also got them new blankets and introduced each cat to a different bed.  Mum said they would swap but they seem to have learnt and for the last week and half have only slept in the bed they were introduced to.

My question now, is will the plug in be needed permantly to keep them both happy?

And if I use it permantly, where is the best place to buy it cheaply?
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 17:21:40 PM by MiddleEarthNet, Reason: Thought of another question. »

Offline Laurensimm

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Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2013, 18:14:51 PM »
Ah that's good. Hopefully yours will get better :)

Offline MiddleEarthNet

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Re: Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2013, 22:27:03 PM »
I haven't seen them fight over the weekend but I haven't checked with my parents to see if they have seen anything.  I now have a feliway plug in in the utility room so maybe that is helping.  But I wouldn't say they are getting along.  It more seems like an uneasy truce.  A few times, Alfie has come in, spotted Frankie and left again.  But the feliway will take time to work so maybe this is a good sign.  I have both in the room with me at the moment and they are calm.  Then again both have full tummies :).

I'm sorry to hear Milo and Louis are still fighting. 

Offline Laurensimm

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Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2013, 20:35:09 PM »
Have your cats stopped fighting yet? Mine are still at it ... 😢

Offline Laurensimm

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Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2013, 19:47:29 PM »
That's weird because milo and Louis were at it again yesterday. I thought it was because I kept them locked in the house together as it was raining heavy when I left for work. I suspect milo was chasing Lou around all day as Lou seemed quite fed up of milo. I let them out when I got home but then fetched them back in when it was going dark and milo was doing laps, chasing Lou, who was hissing at milo. In the end I locked milo in the back bedroom got a timeout for half hour. He was definitely calmer when I let him back out. I had even spent half an hour beforehand trying to tire them out with da bird! I think cats are a bit like humans and sometimes get fed up of each other. Hopefully it was pass for you and I.

Offline MiddleEarthNet

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Re: Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2013, 12:37:56 PM »
They seemed to settle down for a few days but yesterday it started up all over again.  Frankie was in the kitchen and Alfie came in from outside.  Frankie just went for Alfie and drove him out again :(.

Offline Laurensimm

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Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2013, 17:51:37 PM »
I don't think the weather will have helped when it was hot. People have shorter tempers when too hot, I would imagine its the same for animals. My Louis is black too and quite muscular so he must feel it. Everytime they look like they are going to attack and you don't think its a play fight try distracting them so they forget they were about to attack. I think if they have gone 4 years and been ok it will just be a blip and harmony should be restored soon.

Offline MiddleEarthNet

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Re: Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2013, 17:04:51 PM »
Ok, I'll have a browse round at costs.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2013, 12:54:38 PM »
feliway is cheaper online there is another similar thing called pet remedy which is cheaper - I got it from amazon

Offline MiddleEarthNet

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Re: Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2013, 12:41:07 PM »
My two boys, Milo and Louis, did the same thing a few weeks ago. Milo suddenly started attacking Louis and Lou would hiss but didn't retaliate. Mine are also similar in size and are 21 months old. They have been going out more this summer and I think their fighting may have started when milo had a fight with a neighbouring cat. It may have been re directed aggression as Louis wasn't even around when it happened!

I used the feliway plug ins - one upstairs on the landing and one in the kitchen where they usually sleep - and I also got the spray. Feliway contains cat pheromones and is said to calm the cat.

On advice from other forum members I bought a toy called da bird and I use that to tire milo out and to take his attention away from Louis, as Louis got to the stage where if milo even looked at him he would hiss and run away as I think he had victim mentality and expected milo to attack him!

Since using the toy they seem a bit better. Louis doesn't seem as scared around milo (he's still not as tolerant as he used to be) and I think it's because milo has been too busy with the toy to attack Lou. I'm hoping its also to do with the hot weather - perhaps Louis just doesn't want to be bothered with milo running after him when he's hot? Maybe it's the same for yours?

By the way, I make it sound like I only play with milo! Louis also gets playtime too but isn't as bothered as milo. I think milo is still a bit babyish whereas Louis seems more mature even thought they are the same age and brothers. Weird.

Hope yours get better soon. If they have got along fine for four years I think it will work itself out. Cats are creatures of habit and if you have disrupted their routine with the roomier will take them some time to settle.

Thanks for that.  I'll try feliway.  I can get to the petshop on Friday.  Mine still play a lot.  Alfie likes black buttons and Frankie likes anything that dangles or the laser light.  And both have a thing for carrier bags  :).  Do you think the hot weather makes a difference?  I know my two definitly feel the heat, being almost all black.  I've caught Alfie panting like a dog a few times whilst sprawled on the tiled floor trying to cool off.  They were a little calmer last night.

Hope things get better for Milo and Lousis as well.

Offline Laurensimm

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Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2013, 20:57:15 PM »
My two boys, Milo and Louis, did the same thing a few weeks ago. Milo suddenly started attacking Louis and Lou would hiss but didn't retaliate. Mine are also similar in size and are 21 months old. They have been going out more this summer and I think their fighting may have started when milo had a fight with a neighbouring cat. It may have been re directed aggression as Louis wasn't even around when it happened!

I used the feliway plug ins - one upstairs on the landing and one in the kitchen where they usually sleep - and I also got the spray. Feliway contains cat pheromones and is said to calm the cat.

On advice from other forum members I bought a toy called da bird and I use that to tire milo out and to take his attention away from Louis, as Louis got to the stage where if milo even looked at him he would hiss and run away as I think he had victim mentality and expected milo to attack him!

Since using the toy they seem a bit better. Louis doesn't seem as scared around milo (he's still not as tolerant as he used to be) and I think it's because milo has been too busy with the toy to attack Lou. I'm hoping its also to do with the hot weather - perhaps Louis just doesn't want to be bothered with milo running after him when he's hot? Maybe it's the same for yours?

By the way, I make it sound like I only play with milo! Louis also gets playtime too but isn't as bothered as milo. I think milo is still a bit babyish whereas Louis seems more mature even thought they are the same age and brothers. Weird.

Hope yours get better soon. If they have got along fine for four years I think it will work itself out. Cats are creatures of habit and if you have disrupted their routine with the roomier will take them some time to settle.

Offline MiddleEarthNet

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Re: Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2013, 17:07:09 PM »
Have you tried a feliway plug in?

I've seen mention of feliway a couple of tmes on these forums but otherwise I've never heard of it.  What is it?

Has anything changed recently that would cause them to challenge each other?

Yes, something in the enviroment has changed.  We had the utility room competely rebuilt, which was the area that the cat beds, food, water and litter tray are.  Though the cats have access into more of the house, this is the area they are locked overnight (it is quite large).

Is there another cat hanging around that can sometimes cause transferred aggression?

Ooh, I don't know.  There are several cats in the area, all males.  At first we used to see them inour garden but I haven't as my two have gained in confidence.  But there could be a new cat in the area.

Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Re: Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2013, 16:16:33 PM »
Is there another cat hanging around that can sometimes cause transferred aggression?

Offline lau200

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Re: Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2013, 13:18:46 PM »
Have you tried a feliway plug in? Has anything changed recently that would cause them to challenge each other?

Offline MiddleEarthNet

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Cats fighting over dominance
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2013, 12:50:49 PM »
My two male, related cats have gone from being inseparable to quarreling constantly.  They are 4 years old and its only in the last few months the behaviour has changed.  I'm sure they are trying to establish a dominant cat but they are so similar in weight and size that I can't tell which one would be top.  It seems to alternate every day.  How long does it normally take for things to settle down?  At the moment, neither will sleep anywhere that smells of the other cat.  Also is there a risk one will run away?  How do I prevent that happening?  Is there anything I can do to help?


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