Despite the fact that it's an own brand, Tiger cat food really isn't that bad. I fed my first feral rescues on it and they've grown into healthy cats. The two I kept - Fred and Vic - are quite large, but they were about 4 months when rescued. I've seen one of the others regularly and he's small but athletic and lives with a friend of mine. I've seen pics of two who were very young kittens when with me and they're enormous! (Though their people probably over-love them, they also had one of the other older ones and she's big too.)
As an on-going adult food, I used to recommend Whiskas, however, they now put cereal in the food, but for adults, maybe a high protein diet isn't that great: too much protein could lead to CRF.
For a kitten, consider giving her real meat, such as chicken. You may have problems weaning her onto cat food when she's older.