Author Topic: boos vet phobia and trust issues  (Read 2267 times)

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: boos vet phobia and trust issues
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2014, 05:38:59 AM »
With my ex-ferals I find it helps to cover their cages. I've now bought the more enclosed style which I needed for when I moved house with them.

So sorry to hear of your loss. I would also suggest gentle, enticing play with a fishing-rod style toy. He'll know that you're at the other end of it, but far away enough not to be threatening. His natural playfulness will overcome his distress and you'll slowly reform your bond. The treats from your hand is also a good idea, but if he won't eat out of your hand, give the treats to him to eat alone. Don't force things. He is grieving and so are you, on top of which he's had a scarey experience which he didn't understand was in his best interests. He'll come round eventually and your best friend is play.  :hug:
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Offline faerienuff

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Re: boos vet phobia and trust issues
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2014, 16:05:20 PM »
Have you tried Feliway in his carry box? I have 1 cat that hates going in the car and miaws and hyperventilates when the car is in motion. We bought the travel Feliway and you spray it in the box about 15 minutes before you put your cat in the box. This seems to work wonders and he just drools the entire time he is in the box!!

It doesn't work with all cats unfortunately but could be worth a try.


Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: boos vet phobia and trust issues
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2013, 16:34:52 PM »
Afraid Lupin is a rotweiller at the vets and I even put him in his walking jacket and lead this time cos thought being an inquisitive boy he would like to walk around but noooooo that didnt work, he wouldnt come out of his carrier.

afraid matters have been made worse cos i wanted claws clipped, onlt front ones were done with a massive fight  :'(

luckily once home he goes back to being his distant self.

i think maybe you should take the opposite line now as time has passed and try and stroke and play with boo, hand feed him treats and food. i think it maybe harder for him now he has lost his brother and he needs time to grieve as wsell as needing lots of love and care.

try a toy on a string or long feather if you want to give him space, he needs to be coaxed into playing and interacting with you and of course now he will be feeling your pain and stress  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: boos vet phobia and trust issues
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2013, 15:31:06 PM »
Oh dear, you are having a rough time, aren't you?  :(

I'm afraid that I can't give any helpful advice but I am sure someone who can will be along soon  :hug:

Offline mrsanning

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boos vet phobia and trust issues
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2013, 15:23:27 PM »
A couple of weeks ago I took my cat boo to the vets for his check up and vaccination,
Boo has never been a fan of the vets but this time in particular he become very distressed, he cried on the journey there and his paws was rather sweaty and his heart was pounding when the vet was tending to him (no fault of the vet may I add she was as gentle and caring as she could be) after his ordeal was over I got him home as quick as I could and as I expected he went into hiding.
Since then though this hasn't improved,  he seems to have lost all trust with me and runs from me which is quite upsetting.
I was wondering if anyone had any advice on getting him to trust me again, so far Ive been giving him his space and not bugging him as I feel this would just make things worse, Ive also ordered a feraway diffuser in hopes this might help.

It may also be worth mentioning that he lost his brother and companion this morning sadly, I'm sure it has affected him as much as it has us so I'm also worried now this will make it even worse for him.

Any advice would be very much appreciated


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