I watched it through, Josh.
You've put together an informative piece that gets the exact right message across. I got a bit lost around 7 minutes, think the interview went on too long and could be edited, but thoroughly enjoyed/rooted for the rest of it.
Your choice of Fix You for the backing track is wrenching, am still in tears now.
Awareness is the key - you could possibly add more stuff yourself about neutering, how easy it is, where to get help for funding, and the benefits to the animal and the family. Also about responsibility, without being condescending, because you have a naturally "nice" voice.
Altogether a great piece of work that spoke very clearly to me. I hope you continue to put these messages out and one day we'll see you on the telly doing what Paul O'Grady has done for Battersea. It's a losing battle at the moment and your enthusiasm to bring the issue out to popular culture is to be applauded.
Now go away and make a film for schoolkids about neutering, one they will understand and remember, that can be distributed to educators. If the kids understand, tomorrows parents will too.
I wish you luck, seriously