Hi All
Well, it was all fine and open this weekend (obviously!)
It's very nice actually, the enclosures aren't massive but they are very full of blankets, toys and they all have climbing things in them, They are glass with small gaps for sniffing through and also all have a window facing the road for people watching but they don't have any outside access as it's on the first floor... not sure if there is another bit that does? We went to two different bits as started with cats and then went to the bit with new borns and kittens.. so there may be other bits too. I know they also have socialisation rooms. Battersea Centre itself is huge...
It's true that we didn't have a home visit, in fact we went Friday, got offered a kitten and picked him up Sunday, although we did have photos of our house and garden with us... they did check our ID for our address... not entirely foolproof by any stretch though.
It's a tough one isn't it? Needing to be thorough but also not making it so bureaucratic that people see it as easier to go to Gumtree...