Its not me thankfully as Id be torn to bits but someone from one of the other blocks of flats found a young female cat. Thinks it was in season and left it alone. 2 days later it followed them into the block of flats. They tried it with their cat but all hell let loose so put it back outside. Next day its still there and obviously starving. Gave it some food then managed to get it in a basket and took to the vets to see if chipped. It wasnt so they took it to the local rescue who told her off for feeding it and said she should have just left it and if it was still there in 2 weeks they would take it in.
I do understand that feeding a cat is likely to encourage it but after 3day of it hanging around and then walking into a block of flats with a stranger surely feeding cant be wrong. I said I thought 3 days wasnt long if it had gone walkabout but I cant decide if I wouldnt do the same seeing a hungry cat.
Whats the best thing to do?
Ive directed her to here and cat chat to search for lost and found but she had to put the cat back outside as she had no where to put it. Another couple in the block seem to have adopted it for now so the cats safe and shes keeping an eye on lost and found and ringing local vets and stuff.
Like I say it didnt happen to me thankfully as the last one that did ended up moving in back in 1999 and hasnt left
Although if I brought home another cat I think she would