She looks lovely, reminds me of my Tammy who I had many years ago. Also has reminded me of how I got Tammy, we had a kitten (over 6 month old) not a tiny kitten and it was in the days when I used to let my cats out. Anyway we nipped out and when out and later that day I noticed the kittens bum was sticking out almost like cone shaped and weee was just coming out of his little togger. Anyway we went straight to the vet and the vet said he has been hit, very indignant (and a very new cat owner) I said we havent hit him, The vet insisted the little one had been hit with something. Medication was given and rest prescribed but of course in those days things were nearly as advanced as they are now and eventually the little one had to be gently PTS. A few days later I saw a kid walking down the street and a gut feeling came over me. I went up to him and sweetly (through gritted teeth) said did you ht a little cat the other day, no he said, sweeter than ever I said come on you can tell me, I wont tell anyone, so he said yes, I said what did you do and he said he saw the kitten on the drive opposite my house which happened to be mums and he cornered it and hit it with a still. I then grabbed him and pulled him down the path to our house and called my husband, who told him off, then as he walked away he said I am going to tell my mum, I said that is OK I am going to tell your dad. I went to the house and all the dad did was shrug his shoulders. So I contacted the RSPCA Inspector and they did actually come out and gave the child a dressing down. Anyway a couple of days later the RSPCA rang and asked if I could take in a 2 year old who would be PTS the next day (Thursday used to be PTS day in those day). I said no I am not having another cat. I went in the room told Stuart and we decided we must save the cats life, and that was Tammy my first ever adult cat. (well first as our family cat, of course mum always had cats as I grew up, mind you i did not grow
that much to be honest)