Author Topic: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty  (Read 4222 times)

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2012, 08:03:55 AM »
Don't ya just hate generalisations  :innocent:  Cats are like people .......... all different.

Ours all have 24 hour outdoor access.  Whilst I think it might be preferable to allow a cat outdoor access if that's what they are used to, I'm almost certain that Billy and Noni could quickly adapt to being indoor cats without a problem but not the other 6.  Obviously allowing some of them outdoor access and others not would be a bit tricky. 

One of the reasons indoor cats get kidney disease is probably age related more than anything else as indoor cats tend to live longer lives in general and so the incidence of illnesses like that increases. Also, you are probably more likely to notice urinary problems in indoor cats because they toilet indoors, I am sure many an outdoor cat has them, is just not so noticeable until later on.

If you lived in America you would be called cruel for letting your cats out. ............. After helping at a rescue I think the most important thing is a loving home whether indoor or outdoor. 

Spot on.  I'm also not sure it's in vets' interests to endorse indoor cats as they don't need the same level of vaccinating or vet trips generally  ;)

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Re: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2012, 16:52:58 PM »
Thanks all  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im feeling less 'got at' thanks to all the replies.

Amber is certainly a happy little pud most of the time and just doesnt like people in the flat apart from my friend Pat who she just loves which is great as I was away at the weekend and Pat cat sat and we've had no reaction. Fingers crossed it continues though as next week I will be out a lot as family are staying at my parents so I want to see them but Im coming home to my own bed and furry purry every night so hopefully she wont get stressed


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Re: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2012, 14:21:23 PM »
I'd seriously take no notice and go with what you think is right for Amber. My Chelse was an indoor cat as I lived in a flat for her first six years and I was always told by the vet she was fine and she lived to 18 with no health problems until the last month.
I've got leads for Luna and Cleo as I'm a bit wary of just letting them out as they are only nine months but neither of them seem that bothered so I'm more than happy for them to be indoor cats.
Only you know what's right.

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Re: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2012, 01:06:38 AM »
I think you assess whats best for your cats based on them, themselves your environment etc...
My cats are outdoor (although in the winter you'd never think it  :rofl:) and I personally prefer my cats out on a night time as it is quiet here and little, if no traffic - so on a safety point of view its my preference. They obviously just do what they like but hey hooe lol

Theres no need to feel guilty and i think like everyone has said, there are differing opinions to whats best and Amber clearly loves you and has a strong connection. She is clearly not the hard done to, poor little kittie this vet tried to make out was the case with indoor cats.
I know she has wee problems but then, my boys go outside and i would not necessarily be aware of any problems they maybe having until they were not themselves at all - so the vet is using the generalisation that indoor cats are admitted more with these conditions and you can bet its really because you realise long before outdoor cat owners do!
Either way dont be hard on yourself!! your a good mammi and thats what counts whether they stay in or go out  :Luv2: :Luv2:
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Offline Skiddaw

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Re: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2012, 14:59:38 PM »
I honestly don't think it makes a blind bit of difference. I've known extremely happy indoor cats who lived to a ripe old age and ditto with outdoor cats. Our boy goes out because he was used to having free access to the outdoors when we adopted him (and we tend to spend a lot of time in the garden anyway) but it doesn't mean I think one is better than the other.

Don't let yourself feel 'got at'. A happy cat is a happy cat.  :Luv2:

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2012, 18:21:22 PM »

Vets are entitled to their opinions but they are not always right, we had a horrible incident down here in Kent where a vet shot a beautiful healthy fox just because he thought it might have killed his parent's cat.  Sad about the cat but it was 19 years old and left out all night so I feel his parents had a responsibility to look after their geriatric cat, the fox, if it did kill the poor cat, was only doing what comes naturally. 

Poor fox :(

There are so many different opinions on indoor/outdoor and you can't win with some people so you just have to do what you think is right.  I keep my boys indoors all the time and I feel no guilt.  I have decided it's the right thing for them right  now given where I live and having made that decision, I live with it happily.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2012, 21:02:19 PM »
She obviously is very attached to you as she picks up your stress and you being stressed makes her ill  :hug: :hug:

Offline tab

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Re: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2012, 19:26:23 PM »
Thanks all  :hug:

No Amber isnt at all friendly. When she moved in I had Mogs but when Mogs got ill and spent a few days in the vets Amber really wasnt happy about letting her back in but I was tough on her in that I shut Amber out until she stopped attacking Mogs when in the same room.

With her stress cystitis problems and my financial ones after Mogs died I didnt want to risk trying another cat.

I dont know about her history until she walked into a tower block in 1999 just before bonfire night. From her reactions I think she had never had cat food but had been fed on chinese takeaways and she turned out to be pregnant which I didnt know until she was spayed. The vet never phoned to tell me but then had a go at me when I picked her up.

I think shes a happy little cat when shes with me but if I get stressed about something she gets ill  :censored:

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Re: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2012, 16:41:18 PM »
If you lived in America you would be called cruel for letting your cats out. All the information I've read says cat live longer lives if they are indoor. 

Mine are indoor at the moment but will be offered the chance of going outside later in the year. After helping at a rescue I think the most important thing is a loving home whether indoor or outdoor. 

Offline maddercow

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Re: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2012, 13:21:06 PM »

Don't you worry. There is no reason at all why domesticated cats can't live healthy happy lives indoors, it just takes a little bit more effort to keep them entertained is all.
One of the reasons indoor cats get kidney disease is probably age related more than anything else as indoor cats tend to live longer lives in general and so the incidence of illnesses like that increases. Also, you are probably more likely to notice urinary problems in indoor cats because they toilet indoors, I am sure many an outdoor cat has them, is just not so noticeable until later on. There are foods available to help, Cashie had a wee wee problem last year and so he gets a few Royal Canin Urinary bickies every day and it hasn't reoccured.

Vets are entitled to their opinions but they are not always right, we had a horrible incident down here in Kent where a vet shot a beautiful healthy fox just because he thought it might have killed his parent's cat.  Sad about the cat but it was 19 years old and left out all night so I feel his parents had a responsibility to look after their geriatric cat, the fox, if it did kill the poor cat, was only doing what comes naturally. 

You are damned whatever you do, if you let your cat out it can be run over, poisoned, stolen, killed, lost, shut in, abused by petty neighbours who don't like it in their garden, list is endless.... if you keep it in it might get bored. I know what I would rather have, I can always invent new games for my two.

Don't feel guilty, for every vet that says let them out there's a vet who says keep them in. If you have a dog, rabbit, goat, horse you don't let it wander about freely do you?  they are enclosed even if outside. Same applies for cats I reckon.

Does Amber not get on with other cats?  Is a shame as a little companion is always nice, My Cashie changed dramatically when we got Izzy, they are SO cute together. Was she an outdoor cat before? I have seen people take their cats out on harnesses, not sure if a good idea.. I had a harness, couldn't get it on the flaming cat though!


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Re: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2012, 00:09:04 AM »
parents :innocent:
my MIL likes to do that but with her its not cats ..its children :innocent:
she doesnt mean it in a bad way...she just watches all these new advice topics and comes out with what shes learnt....her suggesting super nanny come round was a classic :rofl:

as for indoor cats..... well our Pacey is an indoor whilst im sure he would like to be out and about ,its simply not safe for a persian to wander the streets here...I would rather have him in, safe and alive than outside, catnapped or worse :scared:

theres so much conflicting advice , if we listened to it all we would go mad :hug:

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Re: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2012, 20:55:18 PM »
Thanks all I dont think my parents were having a go at me more that they hadnt realised that stressed cats frequently get cystitis. Im sure they agree that having Amber as a free roaming cat would be worse.

That said they also told me about a radio program that said cats should always be kept in between dusk and dawn as thats when they would usually hunt which contradicts itself I think.

I think Amber is a happy cat and having had to shout her 4 times today to get her tea I dont think she has many worries

Offline Dawn F

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Re: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2012, 13:55:45 PM »
what is the alternative, you don't have her?  she sits in a rescue for months or worse

take no notice  :hug:

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Re: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2012, 09:55:07 AM »
Dont beat yourself up.... we all know there are pros and cons to having an indoor or outdoor cat.

We all have to make that decision on behalf of our furries taking everything into account. What is best for one situation/ environment may not be best for another.

It is also second hand information, and one persons opinion...
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2012, 22:02:03 PM »
Tab please do not worry, you love your cats and will do anything for them and whats more they love you  :hug: :hug:

So much wrong info is put around and some people only believe something which reinforces  there own opinions right or wrong.

Try and ignore what your parents are saying cos its not true  :hug: :hug:

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Re: do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2012, 21:49:13 PM »
Tab, the way you feel just goes to show how much you adore your kitties and do your very best for them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it's wrong. X
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Offline tab

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do you ever feel 'got at' and guilty
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2012, 20:04:49 PM »
even though you know whats been said wasnt directed at you?

My parents decided to tell me all about some vet they heard on the radio who was totally against cats being indoor cats as it causes stress and can cause kidney and cystitis issues.

Of coure Amber having idiopathic or stress cystitis my first thought was OMG Ive been cruel and abused her since 1999

In a logical way I feel that having a cat that doesnt like people, outdoors, animals etc is perfect for an indoor cat but now Im worrying myself and feeling really guilty


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