Author Topic: Please sign this petition to stop stray animals being used in laboratories  (Read 19975 times)

Offline LouiseJ

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I've had a further response from my MP from the minister concerned. Bear with me while I try to work out the IT so I can scan the letter in and upload it.
Basically the gist of it is there are no plans to use stray cats / dogs only animals specifically bred for testing purposes.

Offline LouiseJ

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I think you can complain to the local political association of the party he represents although not sure if it will do a whole lot of good.

Offline Dawn F

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yes I'm thrilled he is representing me!

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Nice  :tired:

Offline LouiseJ

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  • Slave to: Chelsea (March 1994 ~ March 2012 - Rest in peace my darling), Luna and Cleo plus Simba the Ginga
Good grief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a horrible attitude

Offline Dawn F

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I got this from my MP today

I am sure you are right in saying that bred animals are safer from contamination for general laboratory use. For that reason, laboratory firms will naturally wish to use them to obtain the best and most reliable results.

However, it is possible to imagine an infection among feral animals or among humans for which stray animals are vectors. So it seems to me sensible that the law does not absolutely ban experimentation on them under all circumstances. I hope you feel able to agree with me about that

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Good news indeed  :)

Offline Janeyk

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The BUAV is delighted to report the latest development regarding our campaign to prevent the use of stray cats and dogs being used in experiments. Initially, the UK Government planned simply to adopt the new European legislation text, which allows testing on stray cats and dogs under some circumstances. Under pressure from the BUAV, they revised their statement to say that they “could not currently envisage” allowing tests on stray cats and dogs.

In the face of the BUAV’s ongoing campaign, the Government has now offered to strengthen this position and make it an official policy. We welcome this concession and are very grateful to all our supporters whose efforts have produced this change of position. We urge the Government to proceed with a policy statement announcing in the strongest possible terms that it is a permanent British policy not to allow testing on stray animals.
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Anyone want to talk to a journalist??

A trainee from the local paper wants to talk to me about the petition on strays being used in laboratories. Not overly sure I''m up for that

Offline Mymblesdaughter

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I always email my MP and they reply by post, it seems crazy to me.  I did think next time I write I might mention that they can just email me back to save wasting paper. Mind you they haven't agreed with anything I've asked them about yet either.   

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Have had a reply from my MP, oddly via first class post on good quality paper which considering I emailed seems a waste of money.

He said he doesn't bother with EDM's and I get the impression he agrees with animal testing  :tired:

Offline Marla

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As of yesterday, 65 MPs have signed:

More info here:

If you feel strongly about this, please ask your MP to sign EDM 193 and maintain the ban against using strays in experiments. It's really easy to email your MP here:

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Not even had the courtesy of a reply from my MP   :tired:

Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Hi Louise, I don't know if everyone can see the facebook link but it mentions your MP.

The Leader of the House of Commons, Sir George Young, has replied to a question from Robert Halfon MP to say that the Government 'does not allow the use of stray dogs and cats in animal experiments. We don’t envisage any circumstance under the use of which stray animals could be justified in the future.’

This careful wording obscures the fact that the Government is still planning to press ahead with adopting the looser EU wording which would allow such tests in the future. Once adopted, no future government will be able to reintroduce the ban unless they persuade all 26 other EU countries.

Please urge your MP to support EDM193 calling for a House of Commons debate on the Directive before its weaker rules are made into British law: 

Offline LouiseJ

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BUVA have definitely been in touch with my MP

Offline Mymblesdaughter

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I've asked my MP to sign, she said she doesn't sign EDM's as she thinks they are a waste of time. She then goes on to spout a load of flannel.  I've emailed her again to ask her where she stands on the issue and if she is against this new ruling could she push for a debate on the issue in the House of Commons.

Offline Marla

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More on this from BUAV:

We all need to ask our MPs to sign EDM 193. Otherwise the current ban on using stray animals in animal experiments will be withdrawn.

Offline LouiseJ

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I think they already know as they've been in touch with Robert Halfon on Twitter. Will check

Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Well done Louise, that's really good news. Could you let BUAV know what's been said and maybe send them a the clip?   

Offline Marla

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Just popping in from Cat Chat where I saw a post about Louise's MP bringing this up in Parliament. Well done Louise!

My understanding is that the use of strays in animal experiments is currently banned, but the UK government is now incorporating EU law into UK legislation and proposing that it be allowed. So we need to keep writing to our MPs and asking them to sign EDM 193 to make sure it doesn't go through.

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Wow! Now there's action for you  :wow: You were named in the house of commons too  :wow:

Offline LouiseJ

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Well I have to say my MP is a star!  He has, as promised, asked the question in Parliament today and been told it won't happen.

Please see the video clip on for full details.

Offline LouiseJ

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You're welcome
I seem to operate a general letter / job application / cv re-writting service for some of my friends so steal away ;D ;D ;D

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Thanks Louise, that's ideal - will steal most of it (not the bits about twitter and the footie or they'll think I'm mad  :evillaugh::thanks:

Offline LouiseJ

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I sent a tweet asking if he was able to support the EDM and got an email back asking for further info so this is what I sent, feel free to cut, paste and adapt

Thank you for coming back to me and I have to say I'm impressed that you are undertaking constituency work whilst the England game is on!

I've attached a link to a site which gives some further detail

As I understand it the integration of a new EU Directive on animal experiments into UK legislation will remove the current protection granted to  stray domestic animals, such as cats and dogs, which could be a lost, if unchipped, pet. This would then allow a lost or abandoned cat or dog to be used in laboratory experiments.

Adrian Saunders MP has tabled an Early Day Motion with cross party support  in support of the BUAV campaign to oppose the proposals. He told the BUAV:

“I'm shocked that the Government is considering removing the current protection given to our stray cats and dogs from being used in experiments. Losing a pet is distressing, but the idea that the animal could potentially end up in a laboratory is ghastly and unacceptable, and I urge the Government to reconsider.”

I know animal experiments are somewhat of an emotive topic and there is always the argument that what would anyone do if faced with making a choice between losing a loved one or having an illness treated by using a drug tested on animals but the use of stray domestic animals who could always find a new home if rescued does seem to be a huge departure from current animal testing practice.

Thank you for taking the time to read about this issue, I hope it is an Early Day Motion you are able to support.

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Is there a template email to send to our MP's?

Offline LouiseJ

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Reply from my MP Robert Halfon - have to say I'm impressed.

Thanks again for your email. Just a quick note to say that I have written to the Minister, and will also tabled written questions in Parliament to make sure that we get an answer on this.

Offline LouiseJ

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Can't get on to sign from my work pc but I have tweeted my MP instead.
Update - now signed and at the request of my MP I've sent further info over.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 20:50:32 PM by LouiseJ »

Offline den22

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 :( Signed
The Purrs 2013 Christmas Auction is now on!
All funds donated to Feral & Stray Foundation  - starts 17th November to 1st Dec 
Will you be a bidder, or donate something to auction - or both?!


Offline Mymblesdaughter

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I received this update today from CHAT asking people to write to their MP and ask them to sign the EDM tabled by Adrian Sanders.

UPDATE ON HOME OFFICE PROPOSALS TO USE STRAY CATS AND DOGS IN LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: Following a meeting between the BUAV and the Home office the BUAV are now urgently appealing that people Ask their MP to sign EDM 193 and say NO to the use of stray cats and dogs in experiments!

The UK Government plans to remove the current protection granted to stray domestic animals, such as cats and dogs, as it integrates the new EU Directive on animal experiments into UK legislation.

If these new rules are imposed, the Government could allow the use of stray, lost or abandoned cats and dogs to be used in experiments and sentenced to a life in a UK laboratory.

An Early Day Motion with cross party support has today (14th June) been tabled by Adrian Sanders MP in support of the BUAV campaign to oppose the proposals. Adrian told the BUAV:

“I'm shocked that the Government is considering removing the current protection given to our stray cats and dogs from being used in experiments. Losing a pet is distressing, but the idea that the animal could potentially end up in a laboratory is ghastly and unacceptable, and I urge the Government to reconsider.”

Please join us by writing to your MP today urging them to sign our Early Day Motion 193 opposing this appalling proposition.

The following link will help you find details of your M.P so that you can email them. Please take just a few minutes to do this and let them know your thoughts. We must prevent these awful plans from becoming a reality.

Offline Janeyk

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 :( Signed
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Mymblesdaughter

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This is the latest news from BUAV asking everyone to write to their MP.

I don't think that a consultation recommending something shouldn't happen means anything to this government just look at the badger cull and animals in circuses consultations. 

Offline Stuart

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  :( signed
Dad to Bridge babes Hamish, Misty, Olivia and Robbie :'(

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Offline angelinajolly

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Have signed were'nt we supposed to?

Offline Angiew

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I did sign but in looking in to the consultation documents see that it was advised that this not be done.

Offline Dawn F

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I would be amazed if any lab would want to use strays (thankfully) animals are bred so they are free of anything that might contaminate the results - the costs of testing etc would probably put them off

just for the record I am against animal testing

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Any animal testing cannot be justified in my opinion and should be banned but the thought of unfortunate lost pets being plucked of the streets to be tested on is despicable, I would rather a lost pet be automatically put to sleep on finding than be used for testing!

Here's the direct link to the petition from that article

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Signed . Sick  :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:
This government needs to be gone !


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