I have a confession - even though I am technically an accessory after the fact - my "shy" rescue Cat is a Thief/Cat Burglar
I woke up the other morning and amoungst the other (once alive) presents i found this.......
(Photo Below)Peanut (aka Peenew) has been on the Rob and stolen some poor kitty's toy (I hope it was from the garden and he didnt do a Home Raid)
So I'm left with this Toy (owner currently unknown) Do I;
a) hang it on the fence hoping the owners Meowmi collects it?
b) Dispose of the evidence?
c) Leave it in my garden and plead ignorance?
You'd think my boy was toy deprived, but he costs me a fortune with them and has a basket full....possibly a psyhcological effect of being in a Rescue, abandoned and
cheeky shy (as descriped in his rehoming paragraph - I have since learnt it was clearly describing another cat