The Grey Kitten had already Landed on Robbie ( thats why Robbie was a good distance away )
Slinky stays a couple of doors to the left of me and although couthy, can be a hissy gurrer at times
The Grey Kitten is just full of beans, and has no Fear of anything, don't know his name because it's in a capsule
on his collar, he stays a couple of houses away with Ginger Bob and ( and I think a couple of others + Dogs )
I felt sorry for Ginger Bob as He has only one front leg and needless to say that makes it very difficult to join
in with Da Bird
I have now stopped giving the visitors Dreamies
Mainly cause The Grey tries to batter down the cat flap
and if I am outside follows me Meowing very loudly all the time
Looking at the film, Robbie looked rather Tubby
I never noticed it normally, had him to the vet's
today to get his final kitten injection, I decided to ask the vet about whether he was Obese ??
She said " No Not at all, Look at the size of his head, He is a Huge Cat
" She weighed him again and
went " hmmmmmm " He is now currently over 7kgs, I explained that with him being a stray, I didn't know what
food he was used to / liked ?? and after umpteen different types / brands, we have settled on Felix in Jelly foil
Trays, this stuff he polishes off
she then turned round and said, well he isn't obese, but it may be
something you will have to keep an eye on