Update on Kim from her Foster carer.
"I know a lot of you have been following Kim's story, so I wanted to give you the most up-to-date information on this amazing kitten. Today she was x-rayed by the Vet, who advised that bone formation is taking place but we won't know for another four weeks whether she will need a hip operation. A kitten's body carries out its best healing in the six weeks following trauma.
The other good news is that her analgesia is being decreased...yee ha!! She is allowed periods of time out of her prison "cage", but no jumping allowed! Kim is an amazing a little character she actually is - she is a typical kitten, she wants to play, climb, explore, make friends, investigate etc etc. She has bonded fantastically with my boys (my two male cats who are both Assisi cats). Kim displays no evidence whatsoever of a kitten who has been badly abused. This is quite inexplicable but a total credit to her incredible spirit."