Author Topic: Naughty boy nicking my babies' grub!  (Read 2136 times)

Offline Catjane

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Re: Naughty boy nicking my babies' grub!
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2007, 19:01:12 PM »
Well, it seems this lady has done everything right!  Another neighbour told me the story:  Felix and his brother, Finlay (who I see from time to time) used to belong to another neighbour, but she didn't care for either of them properly, and they wandered, getting food from other neighbours.  Then this lady Frances took them on, and has had both neutered, chipped, and the rest :)  Phew!!  Glad the little one is getting the care he deserves  :)

Offline Ela

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Re: Naughty boy nicking my babies' grub!
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2007, 12:28:37 PM »
You could take him to the vet yourself to get him scaned, just tell them you think he is stray, no harm done.

Goiid idea. if you cannot get him I am sure a local rescue will loan you a trap, you could then ask for the little one to ne neutered, have fleaand worm treatment and then put on a list of cats waiting to come in. Please dont wait until he is ill or injured.


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Re: Naughty boy nicking my babies' grub!
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2007, 12:16:00 PM »
You could take him to the vet yourself to get him scaned, just tell them you think he is stray, no harm done.  :)

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Naughty boy nicking my babies' grub!
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2007, 15:25:42 PM »
He definately needs a MOT and scanning for a chip, as you say someone may be missing him! I would talk to her about worming and de fleaing too and the obvious neutering.
I wouldnt test him for fiv because whats going to come of it? He sounds like an outdoorsy type of cat, and she may not want to keep him indoors. If hes neutered and not a fighter, IMO hes not posing a huge risk to other cats. CHAT home fiv as outdoor cats I agree with them  :)

If you approach her with genuine concern for him im sure she will be happy to talk, afterall shes taken him on of her own free will

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Naughty boy nicking my babies' grub!
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2007, 23:43:31 PM »
I am sure that there will be differing views on this but yes she should get him checked for a chip but I would not check for FIV.

He also needs vacinateing and neutering if he is not neutered already.

Vicious ginger Jess who lives up the road comes in every night to steal my cats food unless I catch her and then she is skulking up the garden again  :rofl:

She doesnt come in when she thinks she maybe caught but will chance her paw if she thinks it safe  ;D

Offline Catjane

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Naughty boy nicking my babies' grub!
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2007, 22:08:13 PM »
Shortly after I got my three, I discovered there's a local lad called Felix who's semi-feral, and is fed by a neighbour.  He's absolutely gorgeous and quite friendly.  My three used to growl and hiss at him through the cat flap, whilst Felix would gaze at them whimsically, finally mustering up a half-hearted growl just to keep in with the in crowd!

When I started letting my lot out, they used to posture at each other (with mine doing the bulk of the posturing!) although it never came to fisticuffs as far as I know!  Anyway, our Mr Felix has taken to sneaking in when my lot are out and nicking their food!  If I catch him he's out of the catflap like a shot ... but will return in minutes!  He's definitely not starving, butch furry lad that he is!  When this started happening about 2 weeks ago I decided to keep mine in at night so that Felix would get fed up bashing his nose trying to get in the catflap .... well, it worked with my friend's cat!  But oh no, after a week of keeping my little darlings in, as soon as I let them out again who should turn up but Felix!  I've deduced that Felix saw my three outside and worked out that the catflap must be open!  However, when I looked out of the window into my garden I saw Felix who'd just leapt through the catflap with an agility that belies his size, and my little Sabby was sauntering off down the path with Felix behind him!  Now, I can only assume that they've made friends!  If that's the case, then I don't mind Felix popping in now and again.   (oh, and BTW, there's no point in my getting magnetic collars - my Sabby loses his regular one on a regular basis!

BUT ... I need a bit of advice how to handle this.  I'm aware that it's possible Felix might not even be a real stray, and that he might also be carrying FIV.  I'm not sure how to go about it, but I feel I should approach the lady who's adopted him and get her to get him to a vet, get checked for a chip, and tested for FIV.  Has anyone had any experience like this, and if so, how have you found the best way to go about it - bearing in mind that the well-meaning lady regards Felix as her own?  (I don't know this lady, my next door neighbour gave me the heads up).  Any advice would be welcome! 


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