Ok, you raised the money so where would you like it spent?
Option 1 - With Jill and the golden oldies. We give Jill about £10 per month per cat to help pay towards their food bills plus the cost of vet treatment. So the amount raised will pay for nearly a year (we've paid just over £2000 this financial year but then that probaby goes back most of 12 months).
If you go for this option, we can let you know the comings and goings during the year.
Option 2 - Neutering pot. This Will give us the freedom to agree payment on over 50 neuterings. When we have no space we like to at least offer to neuter strays so that there are no kittens and of course, sometimes people ask for financial help and we also do the animal action days where we offer neutering (normally via CP but we could do some off our own back then). We are currently half way through the £3K given to us for this by Pets at Home.
Option 3 - vets bills for cats. I'm thinking of the more expensive bills like Jimmy and his eye removal, Lovely Mog and his leg, Red and his fractured pelvis being three mentioned on purrs this year.
Option 4 - we just do our thing , knowing you realise that we are spending the money well and that when we mention any of what is going on , you have had a hand in making it happen.
And if you want help deciding, have a quick read of our newsletter, just posted on our website -