So pleased to hear Lacie is pretty much fully healed
She is such a trooper with all her health problems
An updated pic would be great whenever you have time. I'm sure she would be mortified if she knew you had posted her stitches pic without a follow up
I seem to have done nothing but introductions for the last few years but all (apart from Dinah and she still hates all the others so success is not a word I would use for that introduction
) have been kittens and fully fit and healthy. There's something about the innocence and apparent indestructibility of kittens that makes it so much easier
Even so, we still have 1 inappropriate widdler so perhaps you should just ignore me
Here goes in any case.....
I can imagine how protective you will feel towards Lacie as I do and haven't met her
I think you mentioned you were going to plug in a Feliway. I certainly would have a couple of Feliways plugged in (upstairs and downstairs - where's the cheapo link Helen? oh think this is it £16 for diffuser plus vial and £11 for the refill ) and would add Zylkene to their food. I can send you a couple of packs if you like (if you PM me your address) as I bought a large supply recently. You would have to check but I don't think it should interfere with Lacie's medications.
Does Lacie go outside at all? I'm just wondering if they already know one another?
How old are they? I'm guessing Lacie is getting on due to her kidney problems but maybe not? It's probably heresy to say on Purrs but I wouldn't expect 2 grown up female cats to become buddies too quickly so don't build your hopes up. The best you could hope for in the short term is no fighting. Am pretty sure that hissing and spitting will be on the agenda especially as Mollie didn't get on with the furrie in her former home. You need to show lots of love and attention to the lovely Lacie.
From what you say about Mollie, she's quite confident in your home at any rate so I would very much concentrate your attention on Lacie. It is after all her home and she has the health ishoos.
I wish you the very best of luck and hope all goes well and they settle quickly