I am the owner of two pedigrees and two moggies and I agree with Angie to go for a moggie first. Also agree with Bryony and Rosella, there are so many fabulous cats of the moggie purrrrsuation out there and go to a good rescue and just fall in love
What area are you in.
Going back to breeds, I had two wonderful birmans of senior years who were brothers. Napoleon who sadly went to the Bridge in May was absolutely fabulous but both brothers although litter brothers were very different in purrrrrsonality, Napoleon a cuddle lapcat and Ducha his brother not.
I now have a one year old birman who is totally loopy and I wouldnt trust him with children and suspect his behaviour stems from how he has grown up. He is very differnet in temperment to the other two.
My moggies both had very bad starts in life and are terrified of people, Misa loves me though and like Rosellas Boris looks jiust gorgeous and is a very big and longhaired. Sasa however is a semi feral and I cant touch her, also looks gorgeous and she wouldnt hurt me but distrusts everything and everyone except Misa.
So the moral of this story is to make sure that at a rescue to see loads of cats of differing ages and types and see which ones come to you for love and affection and how they handle.
I knew what I was taking on with Sasa and Misa, so no problem but they would not be the right cats for a family.
Also think about long and shorthaired cats cos although stunning lonhaired cats need loads of grooming and attention to their coats.
A cat is for life and thats about 15 to 20 years so also please think of your future and whether a cat will fit in with this.