Author Topic: Moral Support Required  (Read 24231 times)

Offline CuteCats

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #147 on: September 24, 2011, 19:21:05 PM »
That's really great!  :)

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #146 on: September 24, 2011, 02:56:55 AM »
Fantastic news , i am so pleased for you and Harry of course  :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #145 on: September 23, 2011, 16:13:29 PM »
Great news, the famous Purrs vibes did the trick  :)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #144 on: September 22, 2011, 18:17:00 PM »
Brilliant news!  Am so pleased Harry is back to "normal" and very happy at the result.  :hug: :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #143 on: September 22, 2011, 17:53:23 PM »
That is just wonderful, I am so happy for you and Harry  ;D ;D ;D

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #142 on: September 22, 2011, 16:00:00 PM »
good news!

Offline Harry and Katies Mum

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #141 on: September 22, 2011, 15:58:56 PM »
Hi everyone just thought I'd give you an update on Harry - we seem to be back to normal thankfully they did another round of blood tests last week having stopped the potassium supplement, pepcid and metrochlopromide and everything is good no sign of infection, potassium levels back to normal and no sign of pancreastitis anymore so he's offically been given a clean bill of health apart from his diabetes which still needs working on but I've finally got my old cuddly fluffy purry Harry back

Thank you all again for your support.

Offline CuteCats

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #140 on: September 09, 2011, 19:08:58 PM »
Great news!  :) 

My boy is in the higher levels you mentioned, but you could try for the mid levels.  They're not too bad.  Our vet said it's better if they don't go too low.  And some cats are difficult to get their levels down.  Blackie took quite some time.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #139 on: September 09, 2011, 06:42:55 AM »
That's good news.   :hug:  Am hoping someone in the same position can give you an answer about the glucose levels applied for their case.

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #138 on: September 08, 2011, 23:37:40 PM »
Brill news  ;D  :hug:
Dad to Bridge babes Hamish, Misty, Olivia and Robbie :'(

Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #137 on: September 08, 2011, 20:12:57 PM »
So pleased :hug:

Offline Harry and Katies Mum

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #136 on: September 07, 2011, 10:18:07 AM »
Whooppiii finally got word from the vet regarding Harry's pancreas test and it was 1.2 the normal is 0.1 to 4. something she said 4.7 was when they class as pancreatitis so Harry is well within normal range.  His potassium level was on the high side of normal but he is getting 6ml of potassium supplement a day so thats hardly a surprise and she said it doesn't harm them being too high its only when its too low its a problem.  That just leaves me his blood glucose to try and sort out but at least I now know there is nothing else going on and I can concentrate on getting his level down.  Unfortunately the vets in Fort William aren't aiming as low as the vet in Inverness said it should be so he's going for another fructosamine test next week and I've already said to our vet that I want to have a discussion about getting it down.  The vet in Inverness said 5 - 10 but our vet is keeping him at between 18 - 25 which in my opinion is way to high. 

Does anyone else know what their vet keeps their cats blood glucose at? just so I have a reference point to work to I was thinking perhaps to aim for the 10 - 15 mark or as close as I can get to it no risk of hypo then but much better for Harry as I don't want to risk another bout of pancreatitis.

I am intending doing another blood glucose curve at the weekend before we go to the vets next week and I'm hoping the vet will agree to a change in food although the other half has said we could do it without their knowledge especially if we can't persuade them to change his insulin for now.

I just want to say thank you all for your support through this I was a bit of a mess really and certainly not thinking straight  :thanks:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #135 on: September 06, 2011, 06:49:10 AM »
 :evillaugh:  Way to go, Harry.    :hug:

Offline Harry and Katies Mum

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #134 on: September 05, 2011, 21:21:13 PM »
Unfortunately not no phone call from the vet so I'll call them in the morning to see if they've had the results - I'm getting more and more frustrated as time goes on.

Harry in himself seems fine although he's eating like a pig  :rofl: and is getting very tempremental about taking his tablets but other than that he still throws his toys down the stairs to the dog and then the dog gets told off for trying to eat them and I'm sure Harry is sat at the top of the stairs laughing and when the dog tries to give the toy back Harry smacks her on the nose.  So all in all normal behaviour has returned just not really sure whats going on inside and whether everything is getting back to normal.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #133 on: September 05, 2011, 20:50:14 PM »
Hoping you get some constructive news today.  :hug:

Offline Harry and Katies Mum

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #132 on: September 05, 2011, 11:36:10 AM »
Still no news on Harry's pancreas test results hopefully they will be back today surely they can't take any longer it was last Tuesday he went to have blood taken!

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #131 on: September 02, 2011, 10:25:55 AM »

You're not being totally unreasonable at all.   :hug:  You're monitoring Harry's progress in a very sensible manner.

Offline Harry and Katies Mum

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #130 on: September 02, 2011, 10:21:43 AM »

We know you're not saying "I'm right" or that "internet is best" - you're just asking the basis for their treatment and decisions, and asking about things which could be ambiguous  :hug:  It's easy sometimes to be intimidated by professionals in whatever line of work they operate.     

Oh, and give your OH a "biff" from me.   :evillaugh:

Thank you for putting my mind at rest the other half had me thinking I was being really unreasonable last night.  I'm going to do another blood glucose curve on Harry at the weekend and hopefully his pancreas results will come back better and then perhaps I'll have a leg to stand on with regard to possible insulin/food changes.

hehehehe ok I'll give him a "biff" from you but he might like it  :rofl:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #129 on: September 02, 2011, 09:44:19 AM »

We know you're not saying "I'm right" or that "internet is best" - you're just asking the basis for their treatment and decisions, and asking about things which could be ambiguous  :hug:  It's easy sometimes to be intimidated by professionals in whatever line of work they operate.     

Oh, and give your OH a "biff" from me.   :evillaugh:

Offline Harry and Katies Mum

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #128 on: September 02, 2011, 09:37:23 AM »

To question a treatment isn't making trouble, it's an information gathering exercise.    You don't have to take everything on trust.  Provided the manner in which questions are asked is polite and with due respect, you're merely ensuring you have all of the information you want to couple with your gut instinct as to what is and isn't normal for Harry.  You know him far better than they do - they know his physiology, but you know him in a whole sense.   :hug: :hug:

You can express your concerns without it resulting in your vet refusing to treat.  I'm always asking our vet about stuff - I once had a disagreement with him when he wanted to sedate Paddy to take bloods, when I felt it was something that could be done without sedation (particularly as sedation at the time for Paddy was risky).  Eventually after a lively debate he agreed to try it my way, and was surprised at the result.  He later acknowledged with Paddy it was always going to be easier than he expected.

Good luck whatever happens.  Sending snoozles to Harry.   :hug:

Thank you - that was what I thought I only asked the vet last night if I could change is food as I understood that he needed to have low fat due to his pancreas but felt that the carbs were to high for a diabetic but I'd found one that was low fat and low carbs so could I switch him.  Her response was she only knew Hills and Royal Canin and felt it was better for him to stay on that until they stabilsed him.  So I asked if it was true if the blood glucose was high it would aggravate his pancreas which it turn would push up his blood glucose to which she agreed but she still felt it was best to leave as is so I agreed.

I personally don't think its the right answer and it is just a case that they prefer Hills and Royal Canin and this food I want to switch to is a Swedish food that I can get on the internet but I will abide by her decision and my other half's wishes for now.

I must confess I had trouble with this vet when we had my dad's puppy with us as I was feeding it raw as I do our other dog and have done for years.  She didn't agree with/know anything about raw and wanted him changed to dry food unfortunately my other half sided with her again as I say we already knew the routine as we were feeding our other dog raw.  After a month of dodgy tummy the other half agreed to go back to the raw food and the tummy settled down.

I'm not saying I'm right in what I think for Harry but from things I've read, and I know also the internet isn't always right, it seems the best option for Harry to help make him better.  However I will abide by their wishes.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2011, 09:38:33 AM by Harry and Katies Mum »

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #127 on: September 02, 2011, 08:52:31 AM »

To question a treatment isn't making trouble, it's an information gathering exercise.    You don't have to take everything on trust.  Provided the manner in which questions are asked is polite and with due respect, you're merely ensuring you have all of the information you want to couple with your gut instinct as to what is and isn't normal for Harry.  You know him far better than they do - they know his physiology, but you know him in a whole sense.   :hug: :hug:

You can express your concerns without it resulting in your vet refusing to treat.  I'm always asking our vet about stuff - I once had a disagreement with him when he wanted to sedate Paddy to take bloods, when I felt it was something that could be done without sedation (particularly as sedation at the time for Paddy was risky).  Eventually after a lively debate he agreed to try it my way, and was surprised at the result.  He later acknowledged with Paddy it was always going to be easier than he expected.

Good luck whatever happens.  Sending snoozles to Harry.   :hug:

Offline Harry and Katies Mum

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #126 on: September 02, 2011, 08:35:31 AM »
Any more news on Harry?  :hug:

Harry seems ok in himself.  We've only got some of the blood results back for now his fructosamine was fair but having got them to give me the numbers they actually seem high to me about double what they should be which stands by the numbers I'm getting at home so they obviously don't go for the numbers the cat is supposed to produce which worries me a little.  His potassium level is at the high end of normal so they are happy with that but they want him to continue having his potassium supplement for now along with all his other tablets. 

I'm hoping to get the results of the pancreas test today but it may not be until Monday.  I'm hitting a brick wall with regard to changing his insulin and also his food which appears to be too high in carbs even though its low in fat.  I've found another food I want to feed which is low in fat and carbs but they say they don't want his food changed until they've sorted everything out.  I find it all very hard to understand as if I can get his blood glucose under control his pancreas won't have to work so hard and if that settles down his blood glucose will come down.

Its now all not helped by the fact that the other half is siding with the vets and saying I'm being a trouble maker and if I continue the vets won't treat him anymore and then what will I do.  So all in all I appear to be on my own with this and I have no choice but to follow the vets recommendations as I can't fight this on my own especially if the other half isn't with me.

So its onwards and upwards with the current regime and hope that the pancreas results when they come in are good.

Offline CuteCats

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #125 on: September 02, 2011, 00:21:12 AM »
Any more news on Harry?  :hug:

Offline Harry and Katies Mum

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #124 on: August 31, 2011, 09:08:19 AM »
We are going to wait for the blood results which should be through tomorrow and then I think we will be challenging the vets.  We did some more blood tests on him last night and he started at 23.4 and only made it down to 20.6 which is double what he should be he's supposed to run between 5 and 10 so either its not working, not working for long enough or the dose is way to low we'll just have to wait and see I suppose. 

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #123 on: August 31, 2011, 07:01:55 AM »
It does sound like they're being very cagey - doubtless worrying about any possible come-backs against them, which is annoying as first and foremost, most of us just want to do the best for our cats, and at the end of the day potential negligence claims are one of the reasons why vets have insurance.  You'd far rather they were just honest, as now you find yourself wondering....  :hug: :hug:  Have you asked them to clarify the pancreatitis point?  If not, then I would explore it further with them.  :hug: :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #122 on: August 31, 2011, 00:12:49 AM »
Yes there is a thread and Lexy had a hypo I think, I wsill see if I can find it.

Here is the link,36389.msg650227.html#msg650227
« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 00:17:36 AM by Gill (sneakiefeline) »

Offline Harry and Katies Mum

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #121 on: August 30, 2011, 19:56:23 PM »
Evening all I've spoken to the vet again tonight and they've sort of said its the fact that Harry had or still has pancreatitis that his insulin isn't working even though he had no sign of having pancreatitis until a week after the insulin was changed.  They are testing his potassium, pancreas and fructosamine with the bloods taken today and should have the results on Thursday for the long term he has to stay on his special food, potassium supplement, pepcid and metroclopromide (sorry probably spelt that one wrong).  If his fructosamine comes back if it is high they will increase his insulin by 0.5 i/u's.

It seems for now we are in stale mate but we have discussed it and will keep doing blood glucose curves to prove it isn't lasting long enough.

Oh also the vet decided to mention that there is now a blood glucose monitor specifically for cats and the human one isn't accurate when used on cats - so how come so many other people use the human ones!

I feel like they sort of know the truth but don't want to admit it.

I might have to see if I can find anything about Lexy as I'd be really interested to see if they had the same as Harry now has.  Is there a thread on here somewhere does anyone know.

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #120 on: August 30, 2011, 17:31:32 PM »
When this insulin question first arose last year I think, the alternative was an insullin used by humans.

It does seem that quite a few cats do not do well on the one that Harry is on and I think that Ruths Lexy was one, and she is now in the States.

I do remember Lexy became very ill because the insullin was not working properly and once Lexy had been stabalized the insullin was changed.

I think you need to go to war on this cos this vet is dodging the issue by all accounts and Harry needs to be stabalized asap.

Sending you some boxing gloves and loads of luck in sorting the vet out.

Oh another thing, as long as the medication whatever it is works well on cats, with the owners permission unlicensed products that are used on humans  or other animals can be used on cats.

This goes back a very long time because some human eye drops were used on my cat Kocka 10-15 yrs ago, they were very expensive and had to be got by the vets from Moorfields Eye Hospital in London. Metacam is another example because the cat version is relatively new but the dog version I think was being used on cats.

Because we are getting private medical treatment for our cats, so many options are there if the vet knows what they are doing.

 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline CuteCats

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #119 on: August 30, 2011, 17:02:17 PM »
Apparently it is now the only one licensed in the uk as the other one which is what Harry was on the manufacturer has stopped making so you can't get hold of it anymore.  However there is something called the cascade which uk vets are supposed to follow which means if caninsulin isn't suitable for harry they should offer to use a human insulin product.

I think we are going to have to prepare to go into battle but I'm going to wait for his blood test results which should be back Thursday just to make sure its not something on there causing the problem.

Sorry to hear this.  Does this mean Blackie's insulin is for humans?  I didn't know this.  His vet said straight away that Caninsulin wasn't suitable for Blackie anyway so I just accepted the vet was doing the best for him. 

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #118 on: August 30, 2011, 14:38:14 PM »
Daft question but we had a higher insulin dose at night than the morning shot, both of ours had no issues with Caninin insulin, Tiger was on 5 at night and 4 in the morning and he stabilsed very quickly and he loved his food more at night than through the day so maybe ask if one of the injections can be upped, we sort of had a trial and error with HRH Princess Sweetie she got her times moved to 08.30am and 20.30pm as she wasn't good first thing in the morning whereas Tiger need his asap in the morning so he could go off for a days hunting him being feral

Hope things can get stabilised, me thinks he does need a curve done at the vets just to see if anything else could be affecting him

Sending  :hug: from all of us they so like to worry us
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #117 on: August 30, 2011, 12:52:00 PM »

That's irritating news.  :(

I recall when Paddy was first diagnosed with Hyperthyroid, we had the devils' own job to try and get him to take his tablets, and because of his other health issues, operating wasn't an option available to us.  Our vet said that had he been able to use the old style injection there would have been a very simple way of controlling it without undue stress to Pad.   However, the medication in question had been withdrawn from use so we were stuck.  In the end we abandoned his medication, and continued with regular checks to monitor him.   We had a furtehr 5 years with him after that, so he didn't do so bad. 

You should be made aware of all of your options though, so still worth asking.

Offline Harry and Katies Mum

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #116 on: August 30, 2011, 12:45:31 PM »
Apparently it is now the only one licensed in the uk as the other one which is what Harry was on the manufacturer has stopped making so you can't get hold of it anymore.  However there is something called the cascade which uk vets are supposed to follow which means if caninsulin isn't suitable for harry they should offer to use a human insulin product.

I think we are going to have to prepare to go into battle but I'm going to wait for his blood test results which should be back Thursday just to make sure its not something on there causing the problem.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #115 on: August 30, 2011, 11:21:32 AM »
Not particularly helpful, I agree.  I would contact Inverness and ask for their thoughts.  Is it correct that it's the only Insulin now licensed for use?  Seems a bit strictured if it is.  Is always worth questioning on the basis that you "just want to get all of your facts straight before considering a second opinion."  :hug: :hug:

Offline Harry and Katies Mum

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #114 on: August 30, 2011, 11:12:05 AM »
Well that didn't go well.  Ok it wasn't our normal vet but she said the following (extracted from other halfs email to me)

His temp is normal and his pancreas doesn't seem to be painfull in any way so she's happy with that.
She admitted that it's very difficult to do much as she's not been treating him and Deborah is the best person to speak to.
She said to keep using the antacid pills if we have them and not to worry about the other ones. They don't have any in stock but she's going to order them just incase. If Deborah wants us to use them they'll let us know.
She agrees the glucose levels are too high but was VERY reluctant to say why and it's complicated by the fact that he's been so ill. She said the insulin company are very good at giving advice so she's going to fax off the curve and see what they suggest. She's said to keep his insulin dose the same for now.
I mentioned that we know that Caninsulin has caused problems and her response was: "It's the only licensed insulin now available". That's clearly towing the party line and when I asked if there were any other possible alternatives she repeated the same line!!!
She said the notes asked for a fructosamine test as well as the other tests (potassium etc). I did suggest that given that he's been so ill/not eating properly for 2 weeks out of 3 that the test won't actually show us anything meaningfull (other than he's not right!). She agreed with that and said that the results should be interpreted with caution and with due regard to his recent condition. She's going to contact Alison(?) in Inverness and see if the frutosamine test should be done or not. She's taken the blood for all the tests anyway.

I don't know what to do now other than wait for blood results and test his glucose curve again next weekend.  I feel abit like we've fought to save his life and we've now handed him a death sentence because the insulin isn't right and we can't get it changed. 

I'll have to speak to the other half later and perhaps we'll need to contact the practise in Inverness and see if they are more open minded.

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #113 on: August 30, 2011, 06:53:23 AM »
Am sorry to hear this, but its good that you've been able to gather sources together so you can ask informed questions of the vet.    Am keeping everything crossed for today's visit and hope that your Vet has some solutions.  :hug: :hug:

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #112 on: August 29, 2011, 23:57:23 PM »
Good luck tomorrow and hope you can get his insulin changed to a better one for him  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Harry and Katies Mum

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #111 on: August 29, 2011, 21:51:37 PM »
Thank you everyone I've been doing alot of homework today and have printed off bits and pieces from the internet for the other half to take with him, unfortunately I have to go to work but he's probably calmer than me and is certainly more scientific than me, but all the evidence points to the fact that this insulin is not for Harry and works to fast and for too short a period of time.  I hoping he'll be able to get the vets to agree to change Harry's insulin but I do wonder if they will use the fact that he may still have an infection and or there is something wrong with his pancreas.  We'll just have to wait and see but if we get no joy with the local vet we'll contact the people that looked after Harry the other week although they are 2 hours away I'd rather that than leave things as they are.

I'll let you know how we get on tomorrow but here's hoping its not going to be the battle I think it might be

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #110 on: August 29, 2011, 20:39:33 PM »
Good luck with the vets tomorrow, and hope all goes well.  :hug:

Seconded  :hug: :hug:

Offline CuteCats

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #109 on: August 29, 2011, 18:53:50 PM »
Good luck with the vets tomorrow, and hope all goes well.  :hug:

Offline Harry and Katies Mum

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Re: Moral Support Required
« Reply #108 on: August 28, 2011, 20:06:49 PM »
Is Harry on Caninsulin?  I'm just wondering if it could be wrong for him, as I think you said his previous insulin was discontinued?  My boy Blackie's insulin was discontinued and he's on HPZ Bovine now.  The vet said that was very close to his previous one which was HPZ. 

Good that Harry is eating and playing well anyway. Good vibes for you both.

Yes Harry is now on Caninsulin having previously been on Insuvet Lente I think it was.  I am beginning to think its not right for him. I might make a note of the one your boy is on as Harry has to go for blood tests on Tuesday so we can ask them if we can try that one instead if this isn't going to work.

I really am disappointed as in himself he seems to be fine but I know in the long run this is going to shorten his life if I can't get his blood glucose under control.


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