Author Topic: Two rescue neutered toms  (Read 1754 times)

Offline beeley

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Re: Two rescue neutered toms
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2011, 13:25:41 PM »
Just wanted to say thanks for all the kind replies, decided to just take one cat (for now).
I had the other one so long and knew all her little ways so well, I feel like a total novice with a new cat.

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Re: Two rescue neutered toms
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2011, 20:24:38 PM »
Sorry to hear about your loss, 20 is a good age

i have 2 boys and a girl. the girl is top cat and has definitely been the stroppy one with fosters that have mixed and neighbours cats... but she adores the newest boy and has done from the off  so it is the individual cats temperaments thats important and  it really can be the case that they get on with some and not others. would the rescues let you take them both on a trial basis? if theyre both laid back and both have experience of other cats id be inclined to try.
id really reccommend reading up on intros and multicat households- Vicky halls is a good read as well as very good results- lots of things you can do to reduce the chance of stress or competition

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Two rescue neutered toms
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2011, 17:42:25 PM »
all of my boy cats have been very laid back I have to say although it does seem to be all down to each cat - do the rescues know you are planning to get two, they might be able to give you feed back on how they are with other cats

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Two rescue neutered toms
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2011, 17:21:56 PM »
Welcome to Purrs and so sorry to hear about your loss  :hug:

Regarding adopting the 2 male cats, unfortunately that's something you'll not know until you put them together.  From what you say they sound as if they will both be pretty laid back and if you do the slow introductions etc then it shouldn't be a problem but as I say you never know.

In my experience it's been the girl cats who have been most stroppy of a newcomer, our first cat Penny would not accept another cat at all and Byron was quite happy on her own. 

Whereas when we adopted Smokey and Timmy they loved oneanother and when Timmy had to be pts Smokey was happy with any cat really he loved everything and everybody but that was lucky.  However, even when we adopted Schui he was fine with Smokey so things may work out well or at worst they will tolerate each other which is often the case.  If they really didn't get on then I'm sure that the rescue would take one of them back.  Best thing would be to discuss this with the rescues concerned.

Hope that all goes really well if you do decide to go ahead  :)

« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 17:23:23 PM by Janeyk »
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline beeley

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Two rescue neutered toms
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2011, 16:06:47 PM »
Hello, hope someone can help/offer an opinion.
I have recently lost my female cat who died aged 20,and am looking at taking on another cat.
Have looked in several rescue centres and there are two I really like, both are currently in separate rescue centres.

I have had two cats before and am prepared for a bit of fighting etc. The problem I think I may have is that they are both tom cats.

Both are neutered and are 8 and 12 years old, and are described as good natured/laid back.

I am concerned two toms will not tolerate living in the same household as each other. I have had a male cat before, my old lady's companion who died 6 years ago aged 14.
He was very territorial and aggressive with other males, even tho he was neutered at 5 months old. He was fine with females (bit of a lady's man- despite being neutered). I know he would have gone crazy had I introduced another tom cat to the mix.

I am really worried about taking on two cats who are then going to be stressed and miserable

One is in a rescue centre and the other in a foster home- which I suppose is better than a cattery environment- but both are desperate for a home.
I think I can provide a good home to both these chaps- but am really worried about how two males will react to each other??


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