Another bloomin 3 hours gone and managed to get two pieces of wood out of shed for sides to the barrier in the hall but need to measure between them to make top and bottom but a certain little monster will not let me!
I have tried everything and he pushes the wood down, chases the measure between climbing among things where he shouldnt . The current barrier is open cos its in the place where the new one will go and it doesnt work anywhere else cos Lupin just pulls it open.
He also can jump over now or jump on top, he is eyeing up other fun opportunities for himself and torment for me.
He has had a play with his favourite toy, a packet of deamies is well perforated and for the 4th time writing this he has been back up in the place that I dont want him.
I am bloomin exhausted and he is out in hall looking for other things to do.
He is banned from bedroom again cos just have to allow Ducha to eat , sleep and use his tray.
We just had a fight cos he was hassling Misa and wopping was going on, I dont want Misa to end up as scared as Sasa.
Yes he is just acting like a kitten but he is a big kitten at 3.5kgs and I dont think there is any mallice in him, he is just frustrated at being confined and keep being told no!
Bloomin foot hurting now where he caught it grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I dont want to drug him and feliway upsets Sasa and I am trying to get her to come into the house at least at night.
I dont have the space to clear everything away so he cant climb up and break things.
Also cant shut him in a room cos he goes crazy and every shut door cuts off another cat.
He hasnt had his afternoon sleep but think as his tummy improves so does his activity level......sigh