Well, yesterday afternoon Max's eye was looking a bit sore, he was keeping it shut mostly and it was quite watery, so first thing this morning we down at the surgery to get him looked at as I thought it may be conjunctivitis or something like that. (did call my lady at CP to see if it needed emergency vet, but she didn't think so).
Its actually looking a lot better today, he's keeping his eye open fully all of the time, but he's got a blob on his eyeball, so not taking any chances we were at the surgery for 8.30. They are a little stumped though, as he's fine in himself, eating, playing, (jumping off the table every 2 seconds to explore the surgery lol), no temperature, just this funny blob on his eye, almost looks like a burst blood vessel or something as there's no actual trauma to the eye.
They are wondering whether it might be a slight infection of some sort, and being FIV+ they know I/they don't want to take ANY chances, so we've had a painkiller and antibiotic injection today, with antibiotic tablets to start tomorrow, and eye cream to start tonight, and we're to back on Thursday for another check-up. Hope my boy is OK and its not the start of anything else
The good bit though is that he was weighed while he was there, and he's down from the 5.6k last time to 5.2k, which they are very happy with