Author Topic: The Purrs Members cats roll call / hall of fame  (Read 2209 times)

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: The Purrs Members cats roll call / hall of fame
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2011, 11:14:27 AM »
 :nice thread: really lovely thread bursting with fabulously  :coolpics:  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

Don't forget to hold ya bestest pics in reserve for the BIG EVENT peeps ;D ;D ;D

Hope ya don't mind me hijackin' ya thread Si  :) 

I have becum a shameless promoter for the Greatest Cat Show Evva raising funds for Cat Rescues ..............   :sneakin:,128.0.html

« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 15:39:31 PM by Rosella moggy »

Offline Miroslav

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Re: The Purrs Members cats roll call / hall of fame
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2011, 10:45:00 AM »
Name: Moses (Black and White)
Age: 16 3/4!
Likes: Sleeping anywhere, attacking fingers, being spanked (tapped him lightly one day to play and he stood up to have it done again and ever since he likes being spanked lightly  :rofl: ) peek-a-boo, prancing, running around like a kitten, peeing for what seems like an eternity
Dislikes: I'm sure there is something, but he's so happy go lucky I can't think of anything.

Name: Minty (Ginger)
Age: 16 1/2!
Likes: Sleeping in her box with many fleeces and blankets, food and lots of it, sitting on my lap, having her back scratched, peering her head over my shoulder and giving me cuddles, freshly hoovered carpets
Dislikes: Moses! (She'll humour him most of the time, but if he gets within a foot she gets aggressive) washing of her blankets/fleeces, not being fed on demand, not having attention on demand, mops.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 10:47:15 AM by Miroslav »

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: The Purrs Members cats roll call / hall of fame
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2011, 09:55:14 AM »
I don't have any photos on this computer, so you will just have to look at my sig for pics :)

Name: Jaffa
Age: 13 (14 beg June)
Mission Statement:  To love and be loved
Likes:  Cuddles, more cuddles, food, sleeping on top of the tv, sleeping on hot water bottle on bed, more cuddles, playing swipey paws with Mosi and generally swiping at anything that moves, more cuddles...
Dislikes:  Being picked up, being ignored, going to the V.E.T., being jumped on from behind by Mosi

Name: Mosi Hobgoblin
Age: 5
Mission Statement:  To achieve and maintain status as the naughtiest cat on the planet
Likes:  Running, jumping, climbing, chasing, pouncing, teasing Jaffa, pouncing on shadows, helping meowmy with housework, over the shoulder cuddles and snuggling up to meowmy in bed at night
Dislikes:  Being told what to do, time out, being expected to eat at set times of day

Offline Feline Costumier

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Re: The Purrs Members cats roll call / hall of fame
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2011, 23:44:10 PM »
Oooh, youngest to oldest or oldest to youngest? Decisions decisions...............Ok, have decided, here goes!

Name: Miss Chilli
Age: Very nearly 4!
Likes: Sleeping under the bed, hunting, treats, lamb, sitting on my chest for a dribbly head rub, being outside, Da Bird, afternoon naps with me if I'm in bed
Dislikes: Dave and Little Miss trying to play with her (although secretly I think she likes it), being picked up

Name: Dave
Age: Very nearly 3!
Likes: Every other cat he ever meets, eating, sleeping, more sleeping, more eating, Da Bird (but only if he's playing alone, he gets intimidated by the girls' prowess), suckling my dressing gowns, blankets, fleecey pyjamas and cardigans, sleeping against me in bed, afternoon naps with me, my neighbour, being naughty
Dislikes: Getting into trouble, being touched below the neck 90% of the time, not being able to catch his own mice, being told no, not being fed on demand, the nightly locking of the cat flap whether he wants to go out or not

Name: Little Miss
Age: Approx 2
Likes: Eating, playing with Dave and Chilli and the little black and white boy, treats, Da Bird, trying to get into the neighbours various flats to explore, following me when I leave the house, making friends with anyone that shows the slightest bit of interest in her, sitting on every piece of fabric that I'm trying to work with, lying on the ironing board
Dislikes: The cat flap getting locked, being told no (outright ignores any attempts to tell her no), fishy food, being picked up

Offline kerri86

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Re: The Purrs Members cats roll call / hall of fame
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2011, 23:08:20 PM »
Name: Tinker, Tinks, Stinks
Age: 8 months
Likes: chatting, climbing up curtains, black spider toy, dreamies, jumping on Davey, stealing meowmy's food
Dislikes: Keeping still, being ignored

Name: Davey, Baby (Dave - only my mum calls him Dave)
Age: nearly 2
Likes: Being stroked on the head, meowmy's bed, food, catnip, being "babied"
Dislikes: Tinks jumping on him, being tickled on the tummy, paws being touched
<3 Tinks   xxXxx
<3 Davey xxXxx

Offline MooCat

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Re: The Purrs Members cats roll call / hall of fame
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2011, 01:02:38 AM »
Name: Major Tom , adopted from Burton Joyce through Catchat , Fiv+.
Likes:Chatting with his Hooman , Laps , Bits of string , Leaping in the air , Most edible things but especially Dreamies , Tuna and Chicken.
Dislikes:Late Mealtimes.

Name:Hendrix adopted from CP South Birmingham , Fiv+
Likes:Chasing Bugs , Eating his food faster than Tom in the hope that there will be 2nds , Bird Watching.
Dislikes:Too much attention , Laps , Being picked up
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Offline Alex S

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Re: The Purrs Members cats roll call / hall of fame
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2011, 00:18:15 AM »
Name Sadie (all pics are of her, couldn't choose just one!)

Age: 3 (unsure!)
Likes: Encore, ham, chicken, yoghurt, left over milk in my cereal bowl, da bird, stuffed mice, iglu beds, biscuits, running up and down the corridor, the top of the cushion at the back of the sofa, sunbathing, being brushed, me, my girlfriend (not always), tummy rubs, head scratches, cardboard, trying to eat bits of cardboard, trying to walk on her hind legs, being underneath the coffee table, cleaning my hands, and catnip... if she's in the mood.
Dislikes: Being picked up, the hoover, chicken hi-life, being ignored, not being fed on time, the cat box, my parents, my girlfriend's parents, dogs, the door buzzer, the phone, foil, fast movements, bugs (she's sat on the table as i type this staring one out, she's been there for half an hour and squashed one against the window last week).

Offline jezebel

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Re: The Purrs Members cats roll call / hall of fame
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2011, 11:13:10 AM »
Drum (AKA Mrs Stripey Face)

Age: 10
Likes: toys, Dreamies, lying in the sun, the hammock on her cat tree, stalking butterflies, pretending to be a tiger in the garden, her treat ball
Dislikes: being picked up, having her claws trimmed

Bass (AKA Wombat, Batcat, Goth Girl):

Age: 10
Likes: the duvet, her radiator bed, Whikas' Dentibits, Radiohead, being black, hiding, tummy tickles, being brushed
Dislikes: being picked up, toys

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Offline JackSpratt

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Re: The Purrs Members cats roll call / hall of fame
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2011, 11:02:07 AM »
Sorry. These photos are purely for drooling purposes - no catnap missions allowed. ;)

Your two are little stunners as well. :) :Luv:

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: The Purrs Members cats roll call / hall of fame
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2011, 10:26:38 AM »
Age: Approximately 9
Likes: Chicken, night time cuddles
Dislikes: Other cats trying to play with her, being picked up

Age: 3
Likes: Clicker training with her male human, snuggles under the duvet with her female human
Dislikes: Not getting her own way......

Age: 2
Likes: His "snakey" toy, causing mischief
Dislikes: Being disturbed when sleeping, Scouring pads being unavailable.... ;)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Guest

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The Purrs Members cats roll call / hall of fame
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2011, 09:38:55 AM »
I thought it would be nice for us to have a thread with an upto date roll call of our feline friends (lord knows how Liz will do it!) :rofl:

There should be a pic, age, likes and dislikes

Age 3
Likes: Sunbathing
Dislikes: Being jumped on by her little brother

Age 13 weeks
Likes: Jumping on big sister, running
Dislikes: Being anywhere on my own
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 20:36:21 PM by Ella n' Archie »


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