Author Topic: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow  (Read 4753 times)

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #19 on: March 31, 2011, 18:29:15 PM »
Hi again
oh Lorna poor socks in that collar- that made me laugh :rofl: your kitty has a look of "im only doing this to get my treat" :rofl:
Yes Georgia doesnt actually bother with the stitches at all- she had unbeknown to me pulled the collar off yet again and was asleep happily upstairs when my daughter came back.
she is definately a lot happier without it on - the only thing is in the ront room are the lovebirds and cockatiel (whom she targets) and she is still intent on jumping up on his cage, I dont like having to lift her off or scare her incase the stitches pop :sick:
If i hadnt been sleep deprived that morning i would have remembered the glueless stitches- it didnt help the person asking me to do consent form etc was new so had to do everything in steps over and over, so was a bit befuddled when they eventually took off with poor Georgia.
on a good note though her wound looks very clean and neat so i am hoping by monday that they will have good news for me about it.
sadly i am nowhere near you Lorna- I am in birmingham but if i have to i will attempt to make one- dont think it will turn out like yours though :shocked: :evillaugh:

Offline lornab

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2011, 16:28:32 PM »
I have copied below my post from the other thread, and here is the picture of socks wearing the 'Naughty kitty collar'
I don't suppose you are anywhere near Stockport?
Does Georgia attempt to pull her stitches when you take her collar off for feeding? not all cats are as naughty as Socks you know! Maybe you could keep her under close surveillance and see what she does, I think I'd be inclined to put it back on overnight though.
Socks is now on day 8 and I have been able to remove the collar, her would was glued and stapled (on the third attempt), she has taken out the staples but the glue held and the wound looks like it is properly knitted together now.

This is the link where I got the design from, mine is the same except for a length of hosepipe inserted inside the pipe insulation and the shoelace goes through that (stops the foam from ripping when you tie the lace)

To be honest it is very like the 'comfy collar', although it's not inflatable, which is probably a good thing with cats, nor does it depend on velcro to keep it in position - i'm not sure how that would fare with a really determined cat.
Comfy collars are not expensive, but the problem is you don't know that you need one until you REALLY REALLY need it and when you do need it you need it RIGHT NOW!  you don't want to be waiting 3 or 4 days for the postman to deliver it as by then you wont need it anyway and you'd be far better off spending your money on a of bottle of wine .
If you are a handy sort of person (or know someone who is) and have the bits and pieces needed anyway its great to be able to whip one up in an emergency - if you have to go out and buy stuff especially then it would probably work out cheaper to buy a proper one.

Here are the 'Ingredients'

1 length of 2inch diameter tubular pipe insulation,
Short Length of hosepipe
1 thick shoelace
Gaffer or other electrical tape.

The other good thing about making your own is that you can make it exactly the right size for your own cat.
Instructions to follow.......
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Offline Liz

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2011, 15:59:24 PM »
If you have an old babygro slip in on her body and she shouldn't be able to get at the stitches - have sone this on a couple of mine - sad to say thats whilst we always use the glue method no trumpet

Not to long to go now though xx
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2011, 15:24:01 PM »
Get those instructions written lorna........think they are needed bad  :evillaugh:

Poor little Georgia and soon time for collar to be off  :hug: :hug:

Offline Jiji

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2011, 15:08:35 PM »
Poor Georgia, hope the collar can come off soon  :hug:

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2011, 14:58:29 PM »
The boys send Georgia a healing head kiss :care:
thanks :hug:

Georgia is acting more pityfull by the day- I let her come down yesterday for a wander and some company- unfortunately my 2 year old thought it would be nice to let Mr Miyagi in  :censored:
He was petrified :Crazy: he took one look- his back arched and he slowly started walking backwoods :-: poor Georgia went up and was trying to kiss him with the stupid collar on then Miyagi calmed down, thinking its not a monster its only georgia but he wanted to play and so did she but cant let them as scared he will bite the stitches :(
Poor little girl just wanders about then sits down looking lost but i cant keep her locked up as its not fair on her meowing to be rescued so currently got one or the other occupying a floor each of the house. Georgia loves sleeping under toddlers peppa pig bed so i let her go in there- she did however sit on sons coat and bag earlier and when son went to move her she weeed on them :Crazy:
sure she thinks we are all being evil as we take collar off so she can eat and drink well as shes not managing with the collar (or doesnt want to) then we have to put it back on and she just stares with those eyes :-[

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2011, 00:05:26 AM »
The boys send Georgia a healing head kiss :care:

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2011, 21:44:20 PM »
shes allready attempted it! daughter checked her earlier and she had managed to get her paw through and was stuck :Crazy:
I dont think its going to stay on a week! I will have to try to do something with it if it continues as she seems to have collar fighting powers :innocent:

Mr Miyagi has been ridiculously clingy since shes been out of his way so hes currently u with daughter being spoilt as he has been around my legs every minute. mind you they have both had two chicken dinners today so that could be it :rofl:

Offline lornab

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2011, 19:38:13 PM »
Oh dear, I'm having pangs of guilt now that I didn't get round to writing the instructions for the home-made 'naughty kitty collar'. :rofl: I just hope she isn't quite as naughty as socks, otherwise you will be catching that early bus again in the morning :hug:
Hope she is OK, keep a close watch on her and check she doesn't get that collar off again.
Lorna x
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Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2011, 18:01:42 PM »
Update: Georgia is home looking slightly lost and pityfull. she had tears in her eyes bless her so sure she thinks i sent her off to be tortured :'(
I handfed her some chicken, no growling either as she normally goes loopy over chicken or treats.
she has the collar on- i forgot to ask for the glue instead as was only semi awake this morning unfortunately. she managed to get the collar off so daughters put it back on again-hopefully it will stay on now.
shes been micro chipped too for free so thats a weight off my mind.
was told to take her back in next week to check up on her- dont think she coped too well as i was told to collect her a bit later as she was still groggy poor girl. Oh was gobsmacked when she came back- he didnt know cats and dogs have periods and stuff like humans :Crazy:

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2011, 11:19:28 AM »
Good idea to strap the carrier onto the buggy, bet the bus driver thought you were a mad cat lady :rofl:
Happy Birthday  :cake4:

The worst journey was I did the same when i took her for 2nd injections- unfortunately the vets was packed so didnt get out till late- I would have dropped her off at home before collecting kids from infants but didnt have time so had to get off bus in main highstreet with people laughing then push her to school to get the children. I was totally mortified as sure people thought i had lost the plot- especially since the buggy is bright pink :shocked: :rofl:

Offline Jiji

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2011, 11:05:48 AM »
Good idea to strap the carrier onto the buggy, bet the bus driver thought you were a mad cat lady :rofl:
Happy Birthday  :cake4:

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2011, 10:55:32 AM »
shes been at vets since 8am  :(
I got there early at 7am as only one bus in that direction and  long foggy walk this morning- I strapped her basket to buggy so i could push her as really heavy to carry now- she quite liked the ride i think after the initital shock and at least provided some amusement for the bus driver :rofl:

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2011, 20:24:14 PM »
Thanks all :hug: Shes now had her last meal and been put to bed upstairs in the top room as i dint trust the kids not to let her near food tbh. Mr Miyagi has weird eating habits so i usually end up giving out some food before bed as hes a bit of a hog :scared:
I have to be there at 7.30 am, nightmare as have to get a bus up and then carry her the rest of the way so will have to wake up extra early now. its my birthday tomorrow as well so no lie in :shy:
When she gets back i will keep her upstairs and just make sure she has lots of treats - shes got dreamies  :wow:and its chicken for dinner tommorrow so she allways likes being spoilt with most of my chicken breast that i smuggle into her bowl after oh has cooked and served it :rofl:
fingers crossed for her i guess and i will remember to ask about the internal stitches as sounds a good plan rather than a trumpet head bless her xx

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2011, 20:15:14 PM »
I would take up all food now if you haven't already.

You will need to get something light for her to eat tomorrow night, white fish or chicken is good. You can also ask your vet for a pack of recovery food aswell.
She might still be wobbly on her legs when you get her home tomorrow, although this will depend on what time was had her Op and what time you pick her up.
You don't need to do anything specific when she gets home. Just the light meal and obviously don't allow her out.

I would also agree with asking your vet if they could GLUE the outer layer rather than stitch.

She'll be fine - hope all goes well xxx

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2011, 20:03:50 PM »
I'm sure she'll be just fine  :hug: I doubt there's anything that could be said to stop you worrying about her though - just make sure she has a nice light tea ready in case she feels up to eating.

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2011, 19:53:06 PM »
Callie and Monty had their ops in February. We were advised no food after 6pm though water was allowed.
Callie was quite miserable afterwards and seemed quite disorientated by the anaesthetic so Georgia may act out of character for a while but don't worry as she will come back as it wears off. We kept her away from Monty and in a large dog crate with a tray and water and a bed in it. She was quite dopey and did not eat till the next day. We gave her lots of tiny meals and bought in some posh stuff (Applaus and Petit Pate to tempt her) and she started eating the next day.
She won't want the kitten near her and be sure to give her lots of fuss. Callie didn't need a collar as she was closely supervised and we made sure she didn't bother it. We even gave her very gentle play to distract her. Callie only had the two stitches and the wound was tiny - about 1in long. It healed quickly and I took the stitches out myself after 10 days but she had thread stitches. The fur takes quite a while to grow back though.
If she is worrying the wound you could always make a collar like lorna made for Socks.
I hope it all goes well for her xx
souf by Lynne Blair, on Flickr

Offline Liz

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Re: Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2011, 17:33:25 PM »
Ask them to glue her wound with internal stitches and then she won't need to wear the dreaded head trumpet - we do this with all our girls costs us roughly £5.00 extra but so worth it - good luck for Georgia - our baby Charlie is off for his boy bit removal and ID chip tomorrow to :shocked:
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline thekittensmittens

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Advice Please- Georgia gets spayed tomorrow
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2011, 16:26:39 PM »
Little Georgia is booked in tommorrow for her op and I am looking for some advice on what to expect.
Will she be in pain at all? do I need to keep her in a quiet place after the op to recover and if so how long?
I remember moms cat pansy getting done years ago and it was quite pitifull to see as she looked like she had been tortured when she came back and was in a grump for ages till all her lovely fur came back. :-:
What time should i stop her eating tonight, i don,t want her to be hungry all day so she has eaten this morning but cant remember what time the girl said now to have her last meal :Crazy:.
we have to get her in very early in the morning as it gets quite packed they said and then collect her later in the day so wondering what to expect when i collect her? :(


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