Didn’t know if anyone could possibly help me out with some advice for my friend?
My friend had two cats, both from kitten, and up till a year & half ago they were both 15 years old. Unfortunately the chap suffered from a stroke and died. The female cat was clearly upset, and as my friend had started to rent her property out (live more at the bf’s) she decided to give her remaining cat to her mum & dad – where it would be more suitable for her.
Her mum & dad had already had a cat who was a 7 year old female. When my friends cat moved in, she was 15 and is now nearly 16 years old. The two cats had been living quite happily together, and my friends cat was clearly enjoying snoozing in the house or in the garden.
However, a couple of weeks ago she told me that her mum and dad were a bit worried about her cat, as she just didn’t want to go inside the house, and they literally had to pick her up and bring her indoors.
Do you think it sounds like the ‘honeymoon’ period was over between my friends cat and the existing one – and that they’d had a fight or something inside the house which might explain why my friends cat doesn’t want to go in?
My friend is feeling quite guilty as she didn’t really want to give her up in the first place, but didn’t feel it was right to have her cat living with strangers (couldn’t move her to her bf’s house as he rents and they don’t allow any pets whatsoever). She’s not sure what to do, whether to keep her cat at her mum & dad’s and hope that whatever’s happened will simmer down and things will go back to how they were, or whether she should move her from there back to the house where people rent? I know she’s quite concerned as being a 16 year old cat she doesn’t want to cause her more stress in her life than needs be.
Any advice?