Argh student loan doesn't come in for another 3 weeks and I've got loads of stuff to pay out anyway and now Bilbo has just topped it off by pulling one of Dave's shirts off the back of the door where it was hanging up and has ripped a hole in it so I've now got to try and buy another one before he gets back that is as close looking as possible in the hope he won't notice it's a different shirt
This is the second one of Dave's shirts he's ripped in the past year (last one Bilbo pulled down out of the wardrobe) and Dave will go mental as he's already really cross that Bilbo has broken the blinds in the bedroom trying to look out of the window for Tigger.
Plonked him outside now (which is what he's been whinging about all morning) so at least he can't cause any further damage at the moment! *sigh* Shame Bilbo doesn't have any concept of money or understand that I have to replace everything he damages or breaks.