Neither show any major interest in outside, other than than the balcony. To be fair to them as we are in a block of flats, "outside" is not immediately outside the window and they are going to have to be accompanied when they do go out . WE managed that fine with Chloe and Mr T:)
The balcony is a fascination as birds and squirrels come onto it. I rather hoped that the squirrels might be put off by two cats peering through the window, but no. Mr Squirrel sits and buries his peanuts in my polyanthus, while Celyn and Olwyn "chitter" at him. Hes not the slightest bit worried. Probably as Mr T couldn't see him or hear him and Chloe simply couldn't be bothered
Both cats have had accompanied trips onto the balcony - so far one at a time. Celyn is fairly sedate. I'm terrified that Olwyn might leap at a passing bird, and go clean over the edge so I'm being VERY cautious.
As to the "Goldfish" in that bowl, they are actually baubles from Christmas, that lost their "Hangers" I stuck them in there as they made quite good things to hold plants in place. Now I have two cats who like to help with the flower arranging (
) its back to being decorative rather than functional.
I was rather tired of chewed plants and one has to be SO careful that they aren't harmful!