Luckily our vet only charges £25 extra for a home visit. Split over 3 cats, it is nothing if you take off what I would spend in petrol with doing 2, possibly 3 x 10 mile round trips + the fact that they can go straight back to what they were doing.
Anyway - Craig was happy with Lazarus. The VN that came with him said he is like a different cat
(he has a big fan club - she was having a good cuddle with him ) - he said he would like Laz to have a T4 test around 3 months from when he had the last (17th Dec) but no real concerns. Craig also managed to pull out the "lump" I pointed out
Kylie had a bit of tartar which Craig scratched off with his nail and told me to keep an eye on her teeth and scratch it off myself if it build up again.
Alice has to go in for a dental next week as he isn't too happy with the area around a canine that sheared off (before we got her) + wants her he go onto metacam for her joints. He recommended going for a lower dose - ie for a 3kg cat for a couple of weeks to see if she improves and them try her off it and see if she goes downhill - then back on it if she does but trying to give her the lowest effective dose. I asked about giving a couple of drops and he said he really doesn't believe it would have any effect (except placebo) as that is like giving a dose for a 0.4kg cat.