Hi there! I was referred to your fine community by a friend who shares my love for fur-covered bundles of love known as cats.
I've had cats all my life... when I was younger and we lived in apartments we were a magnet for strays that would always manage to somehow become part of the group. (We had 13 at one time...

Currently I have one little darling, Napkin. She is rather unique, as you'll find as I share more about her. She was an orphaned kitty... my friends Aaron and John had a house up in the boonies in the mountains of California. (Up around the 7000ft elevation, VERY remote) There were of course a few feral cats roaming around and they would put food out for them. One day they noticed one of the kitties was expecting. After the normal period she gave birth... if there was a litter we don't know as they only ever saw ONE kitten. After a few days Aaron went outside and saw something awful, Momma cat had met her end at the nahds of an animal... coyote, raccoon, or something.
Knowing there was a now motherless kitten roaming around, the search was on. Finally, peeking under the porch he saw two little eyes staring back. Of course, the kitty would NOT come from under the house, so finally it was decided to "encourage" her to come out... with the help of the garden hose. The kitties bruised feelings were soothed with some chicken from the fridge, and since she was only a week or so old she was young enough to be domesticated. Fast forward 15 years and she's still here with no signs of slowing down. It's the family joke that she will outlive all of us.