Pips came to us in August 1997. She was adopted from the local RSPCA shelter at about 2 years old. I felt sorry for her as her notes stated she had been returned 3 times and I wanted to give her a permanent home.
She spent the first month in our front bedroom where I would go up and watch telly with her. It was during one of these sessions that the news of Lady Di's car accident was announced.
She never did really enjoy sharing with the other cats (and I decided never to do such a slow introduction again) and seems to have a message on her forehead that black cats could read that said "bully me" and had a few words with Fang (RIP) and more recently Titch.
However, she never went missing so can't of been that unhappy and had several spots on the floor she called her toilet, probably one of the reasons for her return to the shelter.
Over the last year her health had been getting slowly worse and the vet today reminded me that they had picked up a heart thing at one point. Her fur was going manky and she had some dental issues and I used to try and snatch the odd clump of fur off her before she took a swipe at me.
The last month she had gone painfully thin but was still eating and having fuss but this weekend she took a turn for the worse and has hardly eaten.
we agreed this morning that today was the day but she was so peaceful, I sat with her from 7 until about 11 not be able to face taking her to the vet and hoping that each sigh would be the end. However she became restless and knowing it was her time I took her in and she went peacefully.
The film crew took some footage of her fast asleep on the couch so maybe she will be immortalised and start bouncing round the airwaves.
RIP cantankerous old biddy, I hope you find some peace.