apologies for the lack of updates this last couple of weeks guys - as I'm sure Lottie will concur we are VERY full at the moment and we can't thank Lottie enough for her generosity and for bringing food, litter and lots of bedding for the little ones.
every weekend is consumed with fundraising this month so never a dull moment.
Star and Orion are doing much better. Both are much happier in themselves and now that star has had her back shaved she is much happier too now that the huge matt has gone. We waited until health wise they were brighter but as we thought the stress of shaving has flared her eyes up a tad but are now settling back down again.
Orion on the other hand was VERY dirty, matted and generally looked very low. He has started to perk up in himself however we had to make the decision to bath the wee lad. Now bathed and most of this matts gone he looks white again and is definitely feeling better though was most unimpressed by the indignity of bathing!
We still have concerns re Orion and now that they are more settled and stress levels lowering it is now clear to see their sweet natures coming through. These wee kitts have been through SO much and deserve SO much better.
Promise to get update pics soon