Author Topic: Do you ever feel you are in the way!  (Read 1785 times)

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Do you ever feel you are in the way!
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2010, 10:03:53 AM »
Bless!  They must get used to a routine and I must confuse them now.  I used to get home about 4.30-5pm up to about 2-3 years ago.  Since then it has varied but for the past year and a half I have been getting home about 6pm pretty much on the dot.  I'm sure they got used to that and now that I'm coming home earlier they are totally confused.  Esp that being on flexi time means I don't leave work at the same time every day.

Offline Claire_smc

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Re: Do you ever feel you are in the way!
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2010, 20:03:15 PM »
I kind of take that back, I normally get home at about 6.30-6.40 and Pepsi will be stood waiting for me at the front room door, I always assumed it was because she heard the front door open. Tonight I went to Sainsburys after work and didn't get home until about 7.15, Si said at about half six she started pacing up and down the sofa and in front of the living room door and meowing for me, and getting really confused that I wasn't home yet. When I got in she meowed at me for about 5 minutes, like she was scolding me for being late and making her worry  :Luv:

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Offline Claire_smc

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Re: Do you ever feel you are in the way!
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2010, 20:34:01 PM »
We don't really have a routine in my house, I'm at work different days every week and Si and Phil are both at home for a lot of the day annoying the puds so they don't get into a set pattern. They must sleep during the night as they're always up when I get up (fairly late in the morning) as well as when I leave for work, come home from work, and go to bed on a night. They sometimes have a little snooze in the evening but not a proper kip

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Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Do you ever feel you are in the way!
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2010, 18:50:58 PM »
I was definitely made to feel this way today.  I came home for lunch for a change as I had a 1.30pm meeting in another building and home was on the way.  Opened the door and went in.  No cats.  Now Jaffa is always at the door to greet me.  Mosi takes a more laid back approach and sometimes waits for me to approach him, but he's always there poking in  my bags etc.   But today nobody came.  Mosi was curled up on the bed and did raise an eyelid a fraction but that was all.  Couldn't see Jaffa anywhere then discovered some ginger fur inside his bed in his cat tree.  Then a sleepy, little ginger face popped up out of the top meerkat like.  They were both totally confused by my turning up in the middle of the day.  They were just getting used to it when I had to leave them again so I don't think I was too popular for disturbing their routine.

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Re: Do you ever feel you are in the way!
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2010, 18:21:22 PM »
Mine are used to it, I sometimes have week days off or the odd saturday. But I have noticed if I'm off for 2 or more days in a row I get a black and white follower in Charlie!! And extra cuddles off Poppy.

Problem I have is that if I keep them awake during the day with My comings and goings, they keep me awake at night to return the favour! :evillaugh:


Offline nutzy

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Re: Do you ever feel you are in the way!
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2010, 11:20:57 AM »
Our place is like a station with hubby and I coming and going all the time so Rajah is well used to it and if he is feeling particularly antisocial, he will go and sleep on the suitcases on top of our wardrobe.  He has never taken to the sofa funnily enough.  His favourite place is a cushion in the in-tray in hubby's office.

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Do you ever feel you are in the way!
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2010, 16:53:21 PM »
I definitely feel like that.  If I come home early or am off work during the week, they are glad to see me but I always get the impression that I'm interrupting their routine.  I am getting home sooner than I used to at the moment as I started a new job a couple of months ago and am on flexi time combined with working 5 minutes drive away.  I used to get home at about 6pm but now I can be home as early as 3.10pm!  They are utterly confused and whilst Jaffa is always there to greet me (although he looks sleepy like I've woken him up before he was ready), Mosi sometimes stays in his bed and just gives me a "I'm not ready for you yet" look.

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Re: Do you ever feel you are in the way!
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2010, 16:47:45 PM »
I'm the opposite, the boys were being soooo cuddly this morning. I had to leave for work at the crack of dawn so said to them 'Don't worry, Mummy is off tomorrow so we can have lots of cuddles and a lovely lay in together'. Good job they doesn't understand a word I say as I have to work now  :(

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Re: Do you ever feel you are in the way!
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2010, 15:05:33 PM »
Mine are used to having me around so if I actually have to go out I have committed the cardinal sin of leaving them and quite often get the glare of disgust that I was not on call for their whims  :rofl:
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Offline Leanne

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Re: Do you ever feel you are in the way!
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2010, 14:51:21 PM »
Hope you are soon feeling better.

Its much the same in our house too, how dare we sit on the sofa during the day  :evillaugh:

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Re: Do you ever feel you are in the way!
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2010, 14:34:42 PM »
I've definitely felt like that lol, every time I vacate my bit of the sofa a black and white furry monster jumps on there, so if I'm off sick and on the sofa most of the time, he wonders what the heck is going on  :evillaugh:

Hope you're better soon by the way, I've had a tummy bug and still trying to shake it off  :sick:

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Do you ever feel you are in the way!
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2010, 14:18:01 PM »
I came home from work yesterday with a poorly stomach and took today off to be on the safe side. We work in a small office and bugs and colds tend to go around the office quite quickly. Today I have started to feel a lot better - HOWEVER my observation is that Ella and Effie  really do have a charmed life. Ella was beside herself this morning as she normally plants herself on the bed for the "Day Shift" as soon as I am out of it at 7am. This morning there was much crying outside the door to try and get me out of the bed so she could assume her rightful place. Normally when I am home at weekends they follow me everywhere - today. NOTHING!!!

The two of them have acknowledged me through one eye everytime I have walked in the room but I get the feeling that I am disturbing their routine and they would much prefer that i wasn't here.  Don't worry girls I am back to work tomorrow!

BUT you have a shock coming, we are on holiday ALL NEXT WEEK so beware.....


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