Out she trotted with me, I opened the gate, held it open for her to come with me.
She trotted along with me, bottle brushing her tail at every potential danger (other people

) and eventually we get to the shop and I go in.................
So does she

I tell her she's not allowed in the shop and has to wait outside so I put her back outside. In she comes, shouting at me for such rudeness after her walking with me and protecting me. The man in the shop is looking at me like I am stark raving bonkers and i put her back out again.
She's really not good at taking the hint so eventually I have to pick her up while I pay for my stuff

Off we go again with her walking me back home, bottle brushing at more very dangerous people and a dog on a lead.
That shopkeeper is going to have some story to tell his family when he gets home tonight!