my ginger whinger is allowed out when we're in so, on Saturday the back door is opened and out he trots. Minutes later he comes flying back in and I notice there's a new black and white cat in the garden who has obviously chased him inside. Anyway, I'm off out doing Saturday morning stuff whilst OH stays home. When I get back, the back door is closed and Cosmo's indoors. Apparently, OH had to separate the two cats - there was loud yelping and my boy was on his back, pinned down and getting the worse of it. (He has a couple of scabs on his ears where he's been bitten/scratched).
Since then, his sister Jessie has been acting very weird - stalking him, growling and hissing, chasing him - generally making him feel unwelcome. On Saturday night he didn't sleep next to me on the bed 'cos the little madam had chased him off
So, I was wondering what would cause such a change in behaviour? Does Cosmo smell different? Or perhaps Jessie's just lost respect for him having seen him get the
beaten out of him
Answers on a postcard please.
PS - they seem to be back to "normal"ish now.