Author Topic: At my wits end with weeing everywhere, any bright ideas?  (Read 4899 times)

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: At my wits end with weeing everywhere, any bright ideas?
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2010, 16:30:40 PM »
The litter is absorbant but she doesn't wee on it, she is creating puddles on the floor then stepping out in it and walking it around! I am using beauticat wood pellet litter at the moment, i tried some clay ones but she doesn't even like to step on those! Very fussy!

I have ordered the puppy pads and just found a 23cm high litter tray (the one she currently has is 10cm from PAH biggest one i could find in there) so going to try this first then move on to some other boxes, thanks guys

Maybe the fact your girl is fussy is a clue? Cats would naturally go in sand which is very fine, apparently some cats won't squat on pelleted wood as it is quite large nor on clay which is quite hard/ rough. Noah arrived with me on Cats Best OkoPlus which is wood-based but more like crumbs, very soft on his paws (he has a medical condition). There are also litters based on recycled paper which might be worth offering in the second or third tray? Noah definitely prefers two trays as he doesn't like to wee where a poop is, or has recently been scooped.
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Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: At my wits end with weeing everywhere, any bright ideas?
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2010, 12:41:49 PM »
My old girl has this issue as well, but I think squatting might hurt her a little.

Have you considered doing something like this for Lila?

If she won't use a covered tray, that looks like a good alternative.  That actually looks like exactly what I am looking for for Jaffa who does exactly the same sometimes (thankfully not all the time).  Otherwise I'd just go with puppy pads and/or plastic carpet protector under the tray.  If you can get some plastic to lay on the walls as well that would help too.  It might be worth persisting with a different litter as lots of cats dont' like the wood pellets as they can be uncomfortable underfood.

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Re: At my wits end with weeing everywhere, any bright ideas?
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2010, 09:59:34 AM »
We use the Marchioro covered trays and have never had wees on the floor. We have had poo on the floor and entrance a few times when Alice has reversed a bit to much before dropping her load  :evillaugh: - we don't even have that problem any more as she now reverses with her face sticking out of the door. I always take the swinging door off. Apparently they are mean to hold the smell in but I would rather know if there is something inside that needs removing. I would also recommend a clumping litter like Cats Best OKO (best price from VetUK) as you are removing the wees as well as the poos. I used to use catsan but it started to smell after a couple of days; especially in warm weather. I would rather know everything has been taken out of the tray rather than mixed in. It actually works out cheaper than things like catsan.

The last couple I bought are their basic one without a carbon filter or door - they are excellent and last years.

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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: At my wits end with weeing everywhere, any bright ideas?
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2010, 08:14:02 AM »
i know you said you have tried a covered one, but have you tried taking the door off it? Molly wont use a covered tray with a door one, but is fine with it without - she also stands to wee. I have carpet protector under mine just to be on the safe side, but if she is creating puddles and walking in it, a puppy pad in front of the tray (rather than underneath it) would be good, it would absorb most of the wee off her paws then.
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Re: At my wits end with weeing everywhere, any bright ideas?
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2010, 01:02:40 AM »
Have you tried a hooded cat tray?

I've always used hooded and found them pretty good for keeping everything in :)
Stephanie Novell
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Offline angeleyes

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Re: At my wits end with weeing everywhere, any bright ideas?
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2010, 00:14:24 AM »
Someone clever on MSE uses a cardboard fruit/ veg box to contain the tray, catch any stray litter or stray wee. They aren't terribly high sided but a large cardboard box cut down might be better and, of course, disposable? I don't understand how the wee is getting walked around, it is the litter you are using not absorbent enough? :-: Have you tried a different texture of litter to see if she will crouch better in a finer one?

The litter is absorbant but she doesn't wee on it, she is creating puddles on the floor then stepping out in it and walking it around! I am using beauticat wood pellet litter at the moment, i tried some clay ones but she doesn't even like to step on those! Very fussy!

I have ordered the puppy pads and just found a 23cm high litter tray (the one she currently has is 10cm from PAH biggest one i could find in there) so going to try this first then move on to some other boxes, thanks guys

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Offline Fire Fox

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Re: At my wits end with weeing everywhere, any bright ideas?
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2010, 00:02:32 AM »
Someone clever on MSE uses a cardboard fruit/ veg box to contain the tray, catch any stray litter or stray wee. They aren't terribly high sided but a large cardboard box cut down might be better and, of course, disposable? I don't understand how the wee is getting walked around, it is the litter you are using not absorbent enough? :-: Have you tried a different texture of litter to see if she will crouch better in a finer one?
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: At my wits end with weeing everywhere, any bright ideas?
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2010, 21:13:56 PM »
PAH do a deep sided tray and I have carpet protector put under a tray and taped to the wall and that has seemed to stop the problem but dont know why!

We had about 3 hits outside the tray in as many days but think it was probably Ducha who couldnt get in the tray cos of his leg.

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: At my wits end with weeing everywhere, any bright ideas?
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2010, 20:43:06 PM »
I posted before you Helen, but the computer told me I'd already submitted the post and then when I looked it wasn't there..... :scared:

I suppose she would be able to jump in and out if she's a youngster. (I didn't cut it, by the way angeleyes - it's a pic off the internet. ;))

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Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: At my wits end with weeing everywhere, any bright ideas?
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2010, 20:41:25 PM »
That's exactly the sort of tub I meant JS but not cut down. Lila is a youngster so will easily be able to hop in and out, if she turned round in that pic she would still wee over the edge  :shy:

Ah I never thought about using a puppy pad, at least it would soak up what went on the floor, thanks for that :)

I scrubbed the floor a few times before I hit upon the idea! They're plastic backed so none of the wee would touch the floor, a quick wipe of the underside of the tray and just pop a new one down.

Offline angeleyes

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Re: At my wits end with weeing everywhere, any bright ideas?
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2010, 20:39:04 PM »
My old girl has this issue as well, but I think squatting might hurt her a little.

Have you considered doing something like this for Lila?

Thats a great idea how on earth did you cut it so neatly?! Knowing my luck she would aim for the lower side, i might try a whole box first not quite so tall as that, thanks :)

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Offline angeleyes

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Re: At my wits end with weeing everywhere, any bright ideas?
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2010, 20:37:35 PM »
Must be very frustrating  :hug:

How about trying a plastic crate/tub as a litter tray, the stackable type. That should be high enough to catch her poor aim.

Also would a puppy pad under the tray help? When Tiggy started weeing over the edge of the tray when she was an OAP I put a puupy pad underneath so if she missed the tray I could just pick the pad up and chuck it away. If you buy them in bulk online they work out much cheaper than the small packs in PAH.

:luck: and hope you can find a solution  :hug:

Ah I never thought about using a puppy pad, at least it would soak up what went on the floor, thanks for that :)

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Offline JackSpratt

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Re: At my wits end with weeing everywhere, any bright ideas?
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2010, 20:35:37 PM »
My old girl has this issue as well, but I think squatting might hurt her a little.

Have you considered doing something like this for Lila?

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Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: At my wits end with weeing everywhere, any bright ideas?
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2010, 20:33:33 PM »
Must be very frustrating  :hug:

How about trying a plastic crate/tub as a litter tray, the stackable type. That should be high enough to catch her poor aim.

Also would a puppy pad under the tray help? When Tiggy started weeing over the edge of the tray when she was an OAP I put a puupy pad underneath so if she missed the tray I could just pick the pad up and chuck it away. If you buy them in bulk online they work out much cheaper than the small packs in PAH.

:luck: and hope you can find a solution  :hug:

Offline angeleyes

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At my wits end with weeing everywhere, any bright ideas?
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2010, 20:28:31 PM »
Lila who is about 4 and a half months now, its causing me a right headache! She has been litter trained from the start, but just recently is getting wee everywhere and its not because she has untrained herself, the problem is she doesn't squat down to toilet she literally stands in the tray slightly pointing her bottom down.
This wasn't a problem when she was smaller as she would hit the side of the tray, if i see her doing it i push her back down and tell her she should be doing that but i can't watch her 24/7.
She is weeing up walls and on floors then to top it all off walking it around the house and i can't take much more, the house stinks of wee when i get home  :sick:
I have brought the deepest tray i can find but she is still doing it, i also tried one of those hooded trays but she won't go in it as they look like carriers  :(
Probably a stupid question but any bright ideas anyone? OH is extremely annoyed with it!

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