Author Topic: Safety tips for outdoor cats  (Read 1729 times)

Offline Karon

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Re: Safety tips for outdoor cats
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2010, 18:28:23 PM »
I thought of using one of those hi viz dog jackets (in cat size obviously!) for Balders as he's black and his eye doesn't reflect light.  But I decided he'd be a liability with it, even more than he was with a collar on. 

TBH, short of keeping him in or walking him on a lead (always good entertainment value for the neighbours) I can't see a foolproof way of keeping a cat safe.  Cat proofing the garden, of course, but that's out of the question in this case (and is with us too).   Making sure he's in before it starts to get dark will help, as will going outside and spending time outside with him - we keep an eye on Balders when he's outside so are able to get him out of some trouble. 

Offline kate g

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Re: Safety tips for outdoor cats
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2010, 17:09:28 PM »
Thank-you for your replies! One of the main reasons we bought our house was that we thought it would be great for the cats - quiet traffic, lots of space to explore etc.  But we've had a really bad time the past couple of years - two run over and one missing.  I don't know if there isn't enough traffic for them to learn road sense? Or if we've just been very unlucky. So you can see why I'm so worried about letting William out, but at the same time don't want him to miserable...

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Safety tips for outdoor cats
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2010, 14:03:45 PM »
Your area doesn't sound particularly dangerous as with the world we live in now I don't think there's anywhere that's car free!  If you do let him out then it's best to keep him in at night for his own safety.

I was wondering about getting him a reflective jacket or something - has anyone ever seen or used anything like this for a cat? He's long haired so I think a reflective collar would be a bit hidden by his fur. Thank-you for any advice!

I know you wouldn't be using this for the purposes of walking him but a few people have these 'walking jackets' for their cats. They do one with refelective tape on. I'm not sure if there would be more safety risks with him wearing one unattended than just allowing him to go out 'naked'.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 14:08:40 PM by Tiggy's Mum - Helen »

Offline cheekycj

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Re: Safety tips for outdoor cats
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2010, 13:39:07 PM »
Hiya Kate,

I know how you long haired boy Joey was kind of a house cat (wanting to go out for half an hr every 4 days) then along came my little boy Charlie, and he wants out alot more now...he gets upset if i dnt let him out  :'(

I let mine out they dont go far and im not near any main roads thankfully. I go out at about 9pm and call them in for there supper then normally thats it for the night  :)

Maybe you could try taking your little out on a harness first?  Get him used to his new territory then once you feel hes settled more let him out freely.....just keep an eye on him where he if you want him to come in you know where to find him  :)

Im sure he'll be fine....good luck!


Offline kate g

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Safety tips for outdoor cats
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2010, 13:11:32 PM »
I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to keep my cat safer when he's outdoors? He's 7 months old, and I was hoping to keep him as a housecat but he's desperate to be outdoors.  He keeps trying to escape and is getting very frustrated with not being allowed out so I think I may have to give in soon and let him out. Hubby is adamant that he should go out too. We live in a quiet area - group of about 10 houses in the middle of a farm - but there are a few cars coming and going and I am terrified that he'll get hit, especially as he is dark brown so not very visible. Cat proofing the garden is not an option (we're in a conservation area so wouldn't get planning permission for high walls/fences). I was wondering about getting him a reflective jacket or something - has anyone ever seen or used anything like this for a cat? He's long haired so I think a reflective collar would be a bit hidden by his fur. Thank-you for any advice!


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