I think he got his revenge this morning. He was quite quiet last night (at one point I found him asleep on the bed, lying on his side and looking adorable
) but come 5am I felt like a tornado was sweeping through the bedroom. He was running from one end of the flat to the other (he likes to run from one end of the liviing room to the other, around the corner into the hell and then into the bedroom without stopping) so fast he was skidding. Up on the wardrobe (one leap to get onto the rolled up carpet by the side and just one more to get on top), on the window sill - he was just racing all over the place. He even got Jaffa to join in (I'm sure Jaffa is getting naughtier the longer he's exposed to Mosi
) and the pair of them just raced around the place. I just took cover and hoped they'd miss my face. When he got bored with just running around, Mosi decided to play bed mice which he hasn't done for a while. It would have been quite cute if it had been an hour or two later! I'm sure he was thinking that if I'll make him play when he wants to sleep then he will do the same. So, my turn now.......