Author Topic: Weight loss tips?  (Read 2366 times)

Offline Sootyca

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Re: Weight loss tips?
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2010, 21:56:19 PM »
If you find something that works let me know!  Sky has been advised she is carrying a bit of excess weight.......She does like to play, doesn't overeat but likes her sleep a lot so I'm not sure how to get her losing weight. She's indoors only (her choice) so it's harder to keep her active.  We need a cat weight loss thread!!!

Offline JenGeorgieBob

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Re: Weight loss tips?
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2010, 20:23:24 PM »
Thanks for the tips! I think I will buy him a da mouse to try, he already has a sparkley wand that he is unsure of, but I know he likes little mice toys, I will wait until the shop is up and running again (I don't want to overload Tan with all the orders!)

He is fine now thank you but gets occasional bouts of tummy upset and the last time was particularly bad and because he is FIV positive I was reluctant to leave it too long and so he had a trip to the vets. He is just a lovely cuddly boy though who deserves to be spoilt after the tough life he has had!

I not sure he would like another cat! He was re-homed with one called Milo originally but they did not get on and sadly Milo had to go back and I don't think I could go through that again just now!

I will try Da mousey and keep at the reduced diet and see how his weight goes...fingers crossed his weight will go down!

Jen and Benji
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Offline princessmaizie

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Re: Weight loss tips?
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2010, 10:33:07 AM »
Have you tried da mouse?? Maizie is not really that fond of da bird, think it's to fluttery for her!! However she loves da mouse and da sparkly thing!!! I would give one (or both) of them a try! x

Offline purrdy1

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Re: Weight loss tips?
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2010, 10:17:00 AM »
highprotien?..less biccies?....failing that.....get him a playmate to chase! :evillaugh:

How is he and can you psot a piccie....i love the sound of this sweet boy!xxx
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Offline JenGeorgieBob

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Re: Weight loss tips?
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2010, 16:07:52 PM »
hmmm...well Benji is scared of Da Bird and runs away, his idea of playing with the laser toy is to attack if it goes near his feet (and if he is in the mood) and we try to get him moving with the feathery wand things which works but doesn't get him running I say he is a lazy player! I might think about diet change if his tests come back with something wrong (which doesn't look likely)....ho hum....thank you for the advice though, I might try Da Bird again with him, as he is much more settled and I tried it when he was fairly new to us, just need to get it back from my mum..

Thanks for your advice!

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Offline Fire Fox

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Re: Weight loss tips?
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2010, 14:44:36 PM »
Noah weighs a stone which seems huge to me but the vet was fine with it. Maybe he will be joining Benji after the next check up tho!

This might not help as you are not keen to change the food, but I find Noah's poop is the most loose/ stinky on tuna cat food and any dry with grains in. I believe there is also research linking low carbohydrate diets and healthy weights in cats and dogs. Noah seems least hungry greedy on raw days, perhaps because it takes a while to chew? I also think he is more energetic on raw days but perhaps that is what I want to see! I don't only feed raw as I am still wary of getting the balance of nutrients wrong.  :shy:
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Re: Weight loss tips?
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2010, 13:16:19 PM »
Has he got a da bird or da mouse? My boys literally fly around when these come out. Or a laser pen? Another good one to get them moving  ;D

Glad he's feeling better  :)

Offline JenGeorgieBob

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Weight loss tips?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2010, 12:36:53 PM »
Benji was not very well and when I took him to the vet I also asked for some help in reducing Benji's weight, as when I first took him there it was for boosters and what not and I hadn't really had him long and was more concerned about him settling in rather then tackling the weight issue straight away.
The vet was quite surprised at how big Benji is (OMG he is round! was the expression, lol) and has advised us to stop all treats and half his dried food which we have now done (gradually) and his dried food is weighed out at meal times, and shared between his treat board and his meal (as he has now got the hang of his treat board and really loves it!)
any other tips for weight loss? Benji is very lazy and I keep taking him out in the garden on a lead but he just rolls over and is lazy, I am trying to get him moving when outside and want to get him in a walking routine. He does not chase toys and is just a lazy mischief who loves cuddles.
I am wary to change his food as it upsets his tummy very easily, he is on Applaws (one tin, half in the morning, half in the evening) and 30g of Royal Canin sensitive, shared out between his two meals and his treat board.
any ideas to get him moving and help his weight loss? has anyone elses cat been described by the vet as garfield? lol (the vet was very lovely btw, just honest about Benji's weight, but did say how much of a lovely cuddly boy he is :Luv:)

Thanks for any advice! :shy:


p.s. am waiting on results of Benji's poop analysis to see if there is any underlying problem for his runny poop, which has stopped for now (thankfully)
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