I know that you are not allowed to bury animals in certain places - but I did it 4 years ago, and there was no issues - edited to add that thinking about it, 3 of mine have been buried, and the vet didn't say that I wouldnt' have been able to bring Pebbles home, and that was only in December, so not the case everywehre in the country. I am not convinced that this new law is going to have much of an effect - I still can't see how it will truly get to the people that are causing cruelty to animals - how are the RSPCA going to know about it?? I Wonder if some of my neighbours cats would have been included in this - one lot let 2 unneutered cats roam around, one ended up losing the babies and having mastitis (they are both now done, poor female had so many fleas the vet had to spray her and leave her there overnight before she would spay her), and the other neighbour never got his cat diagnosed or treated for obvious kidney issues, that poor cat was left to go 'naturally' - 2 of the three suffered in my opinion, but how would the RSPCA see that? I am a bit uneasy on the weight issue too - mine are fine, but obviously Lucy isnt, but I am working on that, will have to see how it works - at least if someone does say anything, there are vet records of weigh ins.