I trusted someone to adopt one of my cats.
Bruno had been with us for around a year and half and was very often overlooked!
We were so happy when he finally got a home of his own.
His new owners only had him a few months when...
I had a call to say they put him outside the night before
(he was always an indoor cat and hardly ever ventured into the garden)
and they put him out!!!
The call was to say he had been run over and killed!!
He was the sweetest gentlest daftest most lovable cat you could ever wish to meet.
He was barely 4yrs old, i loved him soo much. After i got the call i couldn't
stop crying. I so wished i would have kept him. He never once in the year and half he was with me
ever took ill. I am so so angry they let this happen and let Bruno down.
R.I.P Bruno i love you so much little man, sleep tight my sweet sweet boy. xxx ♥
Please please treasure your pets because they truly
are a gift and we don't know how long we have got them for.
A heart of gold stopped beating
...two shining eyes at rest...
GOD broke our hearts to prove...
HE only takes the best...
GOD knows you had to leave us...
but you did not go alone...
for part of us went with you...
the day HE took you home.
I'm so sorry i let you down Bruney, You realy didn't deserve such a sad end.