There don't seem to be any good offers on at the moment. Sainsbury's are usually pretty good and they always include senior & kitten in their offers but they don't have any offers on ATM. I saw 3 boxes of Felix for £8 in Morrisons yesterday but it doesn't include senior (or kitten)
I was moaning last night that I only picked up 2 boxes of Felix senior when it was on offer in Sainsbury's a couple of weeks ago as they had gone off it. Yesterday. Clapton decided that he loves it again
- It is funny but with all these offers on, they seem to have put the normal prices up quite a lot over the last couple of years?
btw, I was going to email PAH, as for ages, when you click on special offers, it takes you to regular food
- you have to go through the listings manually to find the offers.
AFAIK, Whiskas is 2 for £5 in PAH, including senior, although they didn't have any senior in gravy - the one Clapton likes.