im obviously going to talk to the vet about this but wanted some more thoughts/opinions to go in with.
ive drontal and frontlined sparecat and lucifer today. drontal first. Spare cat was sick (alot of sick) about half an hour later. she did this last time she had drontal but as she started showing symptoms of ear mites the day after the vet thought the vomiting was more likely to be related to the disturbence in her ears.
she seems fine in herself generally but shes never liked tablets and its always a difficult experience for both of us- although today was easier than normal (more practice with giles!) and other than this time and last time, in the 2 and a half years ive had her shes not reacted like this and she had to be wormed monthly at the start
does anyone have a cat with this sort of reaction? can it be an allergic reaction? or is she making herself sick? do you think she'll be better with milbemax? or is there anything worth using that isnt in tab form? i dont want to risk her with drontal again regardless of what the vet says, i cant