Author Topic: Problems after moving house  (Read 1412 times)

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Problems after moving house
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2010, 19:49:04 PM »
I think part of the problem is you taking her out, in an indirect way your pushing her before shes ready and then when she gets upset being reassured is actually confirming what she thought - danger!
She needs to find her own way but like the others it would be best if this is in daylight not the dark. The road maybe quieter but possibly more dangerous as she may cross and then hear a scary noise and bolt back at the wrong time  :(

Offline HollyFoster

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Re: Problems after moving house - UPDATE i have weird cat
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2010, 09:19:12 AM »
Hi Everyone

I have the strangest cat ever... Last night we were having a late night watching bad tv and about 12am Cookie decided she wanted to go outside. She went outside for about 10 minutes but unlike her normal wanting to go outside she left the doorstep and went for an explore! She came back in and then about 20 minutes later she wanted to go outside again!!!! This happened 3 times each time she increased her amount of time outside.

I am not sure why she suddenly decided that she wanted to go out but she doesn't look like she wants to this morning so i think we will need to see what she wants to do. Although it is very weird that after i decided to talk to you guys she then decides to go on an adventure!


Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Problems after moving house
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2010, 14:48:21 PM »
I dont know what floor your flat is but I live in a house and Misa was terrified ofd going outside cos dont yhink he had ever heard cars and stuff before. When I first opened the backdoor he would run to the front of the house but ghradually over a few weeks and with Sasa taking the first paw into the garden, he followed.

He still gets scared of the noiuse of vehicles on the road at the front but would have to do a lot of serious climbing to get out there and he doesnt. He loves his garden but the neighbours scare him.

I was able to let him decide if he wants to go out and if you have that chance and your cat would be safe to go out cos of the road, then thats the best way.

If the road is not safe cos she can gewt onto it, I would think about keeping her indoors.

I know others with upset/scaredy cats have used zykline to calm them.

Offline HollyFoster

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Re: Problems after moving house
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2010, 11:24:06 AM »
She has two scratching posts, one in the bedroom and one in the livingroom. The road is busy but only really bad during the rush hour so we wouldn't let her out then anyway as we would be at work. The reason i mention it is because when she looks like she wants to go outside the minute she hears something on the road she runs back in. I have put a pic below hopefully it works!

Thank you soo very much for your help!

Offline Angiew

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Re: Problems after moving house
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2010, 09:33:34 AM »
has she got a good scratch post? If the road is busy, I'd probably not want to encourage her out - like most people on here I've lost a cat to RTA.

Offline HollyFoster

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Re: Problems after moving house
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2010, 09:29:10 AM »
She is about 3 1/2 years and this is her second move. I haven't tried Fellway because her problem is outside the house she seems fine inside except for an excess of energy and the clawing especially. This is her first time with an entirely carpeted house but she used to have some carpet and she never clawed it.

We have never left her outside while there was no one in to let her in so she would normally stay in all day and only go out in the evenings.

She has never really been a playful cat but she does have loads of toys everywhere (an attempt to make her a playful cat!) Including jingle balls, stuffed animals, long gloves, pull along toys (strong with a ball at the end but not string), radio controlled mouse (she didn't like it when it moved but pounced on it when it ran out of battery then lost interest) Catnip toy (the most successful but still not really playing)... She does play with like cable ties but i am always worried she is going to swallow them.

I don't immediately scoop her up but i don't really do anything else other than being with her and talking to her. I will try and taking a toy out with me and treats and try to get her more interested and i will try the cat litter.

Pictures will be coming soon!!


Offline Skully

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Re: Problems after moving house
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2010, 09:15:37 AM »
When you go out with her and she gets frightened by things, do you immediately scoop her up and take her back inside? If you do I'd advise you to try reassuring her but staying outside with her so she can see that the thing she is frightened by does her no harm. Take a toy so you can play with her out there and try to distract her with it when frightening things come by. Give her a treat at the end of the games outside and try to bring her in when she is happy. Give her a treat as you carry her in and tell her she's a good girl. She will then start to re-associate outdoors with fun things and not scary ones.

Also be a bit cheeky and dig a bit of her used cat litter into the soil in the outside spaces (make sure it is some easy biodegradable litter so that it decays quickly). That will transfer her smell out there which she will also find comforting.

Offline Angiew

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Re: Problems after moving house
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2010, 08:45:20 AM »
hi welcome.

have you tries the feliway products? to calm her down?

how old is she?

my cats go out during the day but most cat owners will tell you about the 3 am dash round the house, lol.
Do you have enough toys for her to play with? A playtime session before bed may calm her down.(eventually!)...

and of course pictures are a must!

Offline HollyFoster

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Problems after moving house
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2010, 08:33:08 AM »
Hi Everyone!!1

My first post :squeal!!: :Luv2:

We moved flats 5 months ago and our cat, Cookie, had a little trouble adjusting but after a month or so seemed to settle in nicely.

Our old flat was larger and she had a garden (which was infested with other cats) and was next to a relatively quiet road. She loved to go outside and was really difficult to get back inside, all round she was a very confident cat. Since we have moved she is scared of everything, people, other cats, everything!

The new flat is very different outside, we are quite close to a busier road and we have no private space for her but we are in a very green area so it is gardeny. She is now getting very excitable in the house, especially in the early morning, running lengths of the flat, knocking things over, clawing at the carpet constantly etc.

I have tried taking her outside so she can see there is nothing to be scared of but as soon as she sees another person, a car or anything she becomes so scared her ears shake and i have to take her back inside.

It is starting to effect us as she will invariably wake us up from about 3am onwards as she destroys the flat.

I have been told it may be another cat in the area which may be upsetting her but as she has not been out in the first place she has only met the cat next door (a boy who admittedly is very close and has lived there for some time) and he is as scared of her as she is of him.

She used to be such a confident kitty but now she is completely different and obviously not happy. Please help!


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